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FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, THE FREE FOLK WOULD BE ALLOWED SOUTH OF THE WALL. Jon Snow had saved them; for now, at least. Amodera knew that the wall couldn't stop the Night King forever -- but it put something between them and their enemies, and that was a start.

The Commander glanced around the make-shift port as her people were herded into boats. She had never desired to be their leader; she'd never asked for it. Yet, here she was. A woman born of steel and strife, a warrior, and now a leader. It had come to her attention that sometimes you had to do something for others -- no matter how you felt about it. And, as she stood watching Jon Snow save her people, she realised that he was in the same position as her. He was a leader when he had never asked for it, and yet, he was all they had. Not just to the Night's Watch, but to the Wildlings also.

"You trust him?" Amodera questioned as she felt Tormund's presence at her side. Her sharp eyes examined Jon Snow as he helped the Wildlings onto the boats; as if she may be able to look into his very soul and see his true intentions.

The man sighed slightly, contemplating his answer. Jon Snow had betrayed him, and Jon Snow had saved him -- but did they equate to trust? "He didn't have to come to Hardhome; he didn't have to ignore the other crows warnings -- but he did....and we need him."

Amodera nodded her head silently, before turning as the sound of barking filled the air. A polar wind whipped around them, drawing up clouds of snow along the edge of the cliffs. You could almost see the dread that filled the air as the wildlings realised who was bringing the storm. The White Walkers had found them.

Free Folk began running to the boats: infested with desperation and fear. "Get in line!" Jon yelled, but it was hopeless. The immanent danger clawing at the gates of Hardhome was enough to inspire terror in the heart of the strongest creature. One of the Night's Watchmen called for his leader, but Jon shook his head fiercely. "Get them into the ships and come back for me."

Amodera ran up to the Crow, before standing in front of him. "You need to be on one of those ships. Your men won't let us pass if you're not there."

"You have my word. I've given orders."

"And what happens if you're not there to enforce those orders?" She demanded, arching an eyebrow.

Tormund reached the two, his face solemn. "If they get through, everyone dies!"

Amodera turned to Jon, eyes brimming with fire and verosity. "Either fight with us, or don't: the choice is yours, Jon Snow." She declared, pulling her sword for it's sheath.

Jon bowed his head slightly, spinning round to face his men. " Night's Watch -- with me."


Hardhome's western gate was facing the brunt of the attack -- wights scaling the fences and buildings. Their presence sent shivers down the spine, but Amodera knew they couldn't give into their fear. Not today; not if they wanted to survive.

As the group arrived at the gate, they were confronted with wights pouring through a small hole they'd made. Amodera swung her sword over her head and sliced a wight in two. Spinning on her heel, she stabbed another through it's empty chest, before kicking it to the ground and stomping on it's head for good measure.

BLOODLINES ↠ JON SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now