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[ 8x05 + 8x06 ]

THE BELLS CAME AS A BEACON OF HOPE, casting relief across the faces of weary soldiers on both sides. But their reprieve from war was short-lived. Amodera felt the world go dark as the shadow of a mighty beast and a queen searching for vengeance crossed the sky. That was all she had now -- the memories of the dead and a thirst for justice. Amodera had seen the signs, and yet she had ignored them. She had prayed that the young queen could overcome what so many said her father had distilled within her. And yet, the skies began to rain fire, and fear plagued the faces of the soldiers before them.

Before the shock could even set in, a spear was released from Greyworm's hand as rage invaded his face. The unarmed were still the guilty in his eyes; they'd still taken his love from him. War broke out around them once again, and Amodera felt her grip upon the hilt of her sword tightening. As much as her basic instinct was to engage, to fight like everyone else, she knew it was wrong. The war was over, or it had been. Her and Jon could've gone home, but now they were once again dragged into the heart of a raging battle. As she glanced across at him, trying his best to stop the fighting, she knew what she must do.

"Stop, now!" Amodera yelled, her voice booming across the sky like thunder. But her efforts proved hopeless, as the fighting failed to cease.

A man clad in Lannister armour stalked towards her with his sword drawn. As he pounced, the young warrior slipped behind him -- swiftly disarming him. She brought the sword down to his neck, before pausing and throwing it to the side of the street. "Leave, now! Take as many people as you can, and leave the city."

As he ran to the side streets and away from the battle, Amodera sprinted across to Jon as he followed a soldier dragging a woman to an alley. The young woman reached them just as the man turned to attack Jon, unsheathing her sword and slicing the soldier through the stomach. Crimson droplets of blood sprayed across Amodera -- casting her in vibrant red specks beneath the morning sun. Turning to the woman who stared at them with a blend of fear and shock, Amodera wiped her sword clean and swiftly put it away. "Get out the city."

As the woman sprinted away as if every muscle in her body was forged with fire, Jon's gaze fell upon his weary, disheveled wife -- the battle disappearing around his as he pulled her into his arms. Flames licked at the buildings around them as fire reined from the sky, and yet he could only hold her in his arms. He had trusted Daenerys. In his heart, he had believed she would be a good queen; be the change they needed. And yet, she had become the tyrant everyone feared -- the monster that, in a way, they had all created. For once in his life, Jon truly didn't know what to do.

"We need to stop this; they're murdering innocent people." Amodera stated as she pulled back to look at him. "Daenerys is slaughtering children, Jon."

Uncertainty invaded Jon's face as the words left Amodera's lips. He knew this was wrong, but part of him hoped it was for the right reason; that it coukd be excuded. He didn't want Amodera to be right, because he knew what he would have to do, in the end, if she was.

The Wildling Commander clenched her jaw as she stepped back from him, shaking her head. Amodera knew she was far from perfect. She'd endured her share of pain and she'd bestowed her share of cruelty. But never in her darkest hour did she believe in her heart of hearts that she could murder innocent people -- truly innocent people, children.

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