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JON'S HEART BEAT SO LOUD HE WAS SURE PEOPLE FOR MILES AROUND COULD HEAR IT. He stared at the ground, wringing his hands in an effort to calm his mind, but the screams echoed in his ears. As much as he hated it, he couldn't help but allow his mind to wander to dark places. So much could go wrong and he all he could do was sit and wait for it to be over. He was helpless, truly helpless, for the first time in his life.

A harsh slap landed across Jon's back as a shadow crossed over his view. "You shitting yourself, crow?" Tormund grinned, looking down at his friend. "I've seen Amodera fight a giant and make it out the other side with barely a scratch. This is nothing."

Jon turned to him, worry etched across his features. "She's giving birth, Tormund." His gaze fell back to the tent as his wife's screams filled the crisp evening air. "I should be in there."

"Unless you want to kill every Free Folk woman in this camp, you're not getting in."

Jon grimaced, tapping his leg in a nervous disposition before a young Wildling woman descended from the tent. The man rocketed to his feet, striding over to the woman as fast as his weary legs would carry him. "Is she okay? The baby...is it...?"


The woman's curt voice rang in his ears as he stumbles towards the tent, dread invading his every bone as his feet brought him closer to the truth. He couldn't lose them, not after everything they'd been through. They finally had a chance at peace, at love, at a true family -- he would not lose it now.

As he broke through the entrance, the soft evening light invaded the room; a guiding light taking him to his family. Amodera sat amongst the furs, a look of adoration upon her face as she stared down at the baby cradled in her arms. Jon fell to his knees beside her; wonder etched upon his features.

"She's beautiful..." Jon whispered, glancing across at his wife with a beaming smile.

A warm smile invaded Amodera's face as she watched his; watched the love pour from is heart and into their child. "Lyanna." She began softly. Jon turned to her, a melancholy look of shock upon his face as she continued. "For your mother, Lyanna Stark, and for our ally, Lyanna Mormont."

The young man stared down at her for a moment, his voice lost in his devotion for the woman before him. "Lyanna." He repeated, a smile playing upon his lips. He was happy, and he was home, and it was all he could've ever asked for.

I feel like I'm balancing on the line of cringy vs cute, but it is what it is! XD
Let me know what you think of the epilogue + the edit -- I hope it provides a great ending and some closure to this fanfiction!

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