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THE WILDLING CAMP BRIMMED WITH LIFE; the people they'd saved embracing their new freedom. But Amodera could not embrace it. She knew that danger lurked on horizon, and their euphoric life would be snapped back to the brutal reality soon enough. She watched as her people farmed the land, fetched water, built homes -- knowing that it would all come crashing down eventually. The Long Night was coming for them all.

"Amodera," Tormund began, walking up to his friend. The two had known each other all their lives and he had become like a brother to her. Amodera did not let herself get close to many people, but Tormund was her most trusted ally. "A man from the Night's Watch was spotted by our scouts, riding for the camp."


Tormund nodded swiftly in reply. Amodera swung up onto her ebony destrier -- another gift from the Night's Watch -- before galloping towards the Northern flank of their camp to meet the rider.

The man rode up, climbing off his horse as he was met with a group of defensive Wildling's. "Let him pass." Amodera stated fiercely, as she recognised him from Hardhome -- a man named Edd Tollett.

"I need your help." The man stuttered as he paced towards her.

"Where is your Commander?"

"Dead." Edd cried out, a sad guilt in his eyes. "He was murdered by the men we called our Brothers. I need your help fight them."

Amodera stared at the man for a moment; the only sound around them was the wind rustling the leaves. The man who had saved them, gone. And now, they were no longer safe. The other Night's Watchmen would slaughter the Free Folk or worse, send them back across the Wall. Turning, Amodera addressed the group of Wildling's at the camp entrance. "Gather our best fighters. It seems we'll be getting the fight with the Night's Watch we prepared for. Those who don't wish to fight for the Crow's are free to return North of the Wall. Remind them that's where we would be if not for Jon Snow."


Castle Black was shrouded in an eerie silence when they arrived. Edd had informed them of the situation: treason, murder, brother against brother. But the Wildling's had been preparing for a fight against the Night's Watch for years. They were not afraid.

Amodera sat at the head of her 200 best soldiers, turning and nodding at the giant -- Wun Wun -- to her side. The giant ran forward, breaking the silence with a feral roar as it attacked the main gate. He would break it down in minutes, giving the Free Folk direct access to Castle Black. Edd had told her that the Night's Watch wouldn't fight them -- not with their full force; not after seeing a giant at the head of the group.

The crackling of wood against fist echoed through the air, until the final thud hailed the gates destruction. Amodera signalled to her soldiers before riding for the castle atop her destrier; Edd and Tormund at her side. The trio were the first to enter behind Wun Wun, coming face to face with the Night's Watch, who raised their weapons but failed to attack, as Edd had predicted.

"Fight! Fight you cowards!" A man yelled from the courtyard -- someone she recognised from passing through Castle Black a few days earlier. He had been one of the men eyeing Jon Snow with hatred in their eyes; one she assumed was responsible for his death.

One man obeyed, running at Amodera -- who cut him down without batting an eye. The Wildling's were warriors from birth; it was fight or die beyond the wall. Another shot an arrow at Wun Wun, who simply threw him away as if swatting a fly. The remaining men of the Night's Watch paused for a moment, looking to one another for guidance before throwing down their weaponry.

"You fucking traitor." The man growled, narrowing his eyes at Edd.

Edd clenched his jaw, meeting the man's eyes with a stony glare. "The only traitors here are the ones who shoved knives into their Lord Commander's heart, Thorne."

"For thousands of years, the Night's Watch has held Castle Black against Wildlings."

Amodera tilted her head slightly, meeting the man's cold eyes. "Until you." She retorted. Her eye's gleamed with fire; daring him to fight, but he did not. Like the other's, he surrendered his weapon like the coward she knew him to be.

"Throw them into the cells where they belong." Edd spat, glaring at the man who had orchestrated the murder of his Lord Commander; of his friend. Alliser Thorne would go down for his treachery, by his hand if necessary.


Okay, so I was feeling inspired this week after the last Game of Thrones episode for TWO YEARS, and decided to write until half past midnight to get this up for you. I'm so excited for the future of this fanfiction, so sorry if it seems like it's moving quite quick in terms of plot (not romance -- that's going to take a LONG time as Jon and Amodera are both complex characters). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! It's just a short chapter, but I reckon you can guess what'll happen in the next chapter ;)

Feel free to comment what you thought of the chapter, as I greatly appreciate any feedback so I can make this fan fiction as good as possible!

Thank you so much for reading; I hope you're enjoying it! - CAT

01 / 09 / 2017

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