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IT HADN'T TAKEN AMODERA LONG TO PACK UP HER THINGS. After fleeing Hardhome at such short notice, she had little more than the clothes on her back. The Wildling woman let out a long breath she felt she'd been holding since the meeting yesterday. In all honesty, she didn't want to leave. Here at Winterfell, she had a warm bed, good food...and she had Jon. But if her people were to go to Eastwatch, it was her duty to go with them.

A soft knock at the door roused her from her thoughts, as Sansa entered the room. Amodera turned, offering her a solemn smile. "So it's true. You're leaving?" Sansa questioned, arching an eyebrow at her friend.

"Are you going to miss me?" Amodera replied dryly, sarcasm laced through her voice.

"Is it really me you want to miss you?"

Amodera grimaced, taking a seat on the bed. She hated this feeling; the unwavering want to be close to him. It made her feel weak, and that was something she had vowed never to feel again. "Take care of your brother, Sansa." She began softly, looking up at her. "He's so focussed on keeping everyone else safe that he forgets about himself."

Sansa walked over, sitting beside her on the bed. "I will. He'll miss not having you here." The red-head paused, placing her hand atop her friend's. "As will I."

Amodera couldn't help the slight smile begin to spread across her face. Making friends had never come easy to her; they were forged in the heat of battle. But Sansa Stark had grown to feel almost like a sister to her. Amodera both admired this girl and feared her -- there was no telling what lived deep in her mind. What a mystic creature she was, but the Wildling woman was glad to call her friend. With everything that threatened them, it was good to cherish the people she loved before they were gone.


The winter sun cast shadows across the courtyard as it raised it's weary head -- painting the dawn in a reddish glow. Winterfell had awakened from the slumber of the night; the people bustling from place to place at a pace that seemed alien to Amodera. Everything was moving too fast; changing before she had the chance to truly feel it. Time goes on, and she is dragged along with it -- unable to change a thing. To Hardhome, to Castle Black, to Winterfell and now to Eastwatch. Where was the end to the path she had started them on?

"Commander." A gruff voice stated from behind her, as she stepped out into the snow. Amodera turned, coming face to face with her old friend.

"Tormund," she began, offering him a small smile. "How are our people fairing?"

"Everyone's packed what little they have; waiting on your order to leave for Eastwatch."

"Good. Make sure they're all comfortable." Amodera began walking towards the courtyard, pulling her cloak tighter across her shoulders. "We have a long journey ahead of us."

The pair entered the courtyard; her eyes locking on to where Jon stood beside her ebony destrier. He patted the horse softly on the neck before turning at the sound of snow crunching underfoot. Amodera pursed her lips, keeping her head held high. Part of her hadn't wanted to see him; it made leaving so much harder.

"Amodera." He announced, stepping back from the horse as she reached him.

"Jon," The Wildling woman began, offering him a curt nod. "I wanted to thank you for allowing our people to stay here. It is a debt we may never be able to repay."

Jon's face seemed to fall slightly at her emotionless demeanour. It was harsh, but necessary -- she needed to distance herself from him. Amodera stroked her horse delicately across the neck before climbing on top.

Jon looked down, ready to let her leave, when he stopped himself. This woman, she was like no one he'd ever known. She was leaving, yes, but he couldn't let it end like this. He wouldn't be able to survive the next few weeks of not seeing her if it did. "Wait," he mumbled, before looking up at Tormund, "Can you give us a moment?"

Tormund arched an eyebrow at Jon before looking up at his commander. Amodera let out a quiet sigh before nodding for him to go.

When Tormund was out of earshot, Jon looked up at Amodera, a sadness in his dark eyes that gripped her heart in guilt. "I don't know how long it will be before we see each other again. But, I thought you should know this before you go..." He paused, placing his hand upon hers -- cupping it tightly as if he couldn't bear to let go. "I will miss you, Amodera. I-"

"My Lord, a raven has arrived for you." A squire interrupted, holding his hand out and offering Jon the letter sealed with the symbol of a dragon.

"Thank you." Jon stated abruptly, taking the letter before waving the man away. He turned back around to Amodera, who offered him a solemn smile -- leaning down and kissing him softly on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Jon Snow. May we meet again." The Wildling Commander tapped her horse lightly on the side, bringing it into a walk and heading towards the gates of Winterfell. As she passed through to join her people on their journey to Eastwatch, she allowed herself one final moment of weakness -- glancing back across her shoulder to cherish Jon's sombre face before it disappeared behind the walls of Winterfell.


Not gonna lie, I got so many feels writing this. Amodera and Jon are adorable -- if I do say so myself ;)

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I'm so stoked for the next few chapters, so it shouldn't be long before I get the next one up! There will be a time skip of a few weeks between the end of this chapter and the start of the next one, but that's because of Jon being on Dragonstone c: All will be explained in the next chapter anyway.

Thank you for your support, as always! Have a great day, where ever you are c: - CAT

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