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Amodera sighed, looking up at Ser Davos with a begrudging gaze as she noted his message. "I know that, Davos, but neither is watching thousands of people burn alive in a city." She replied, returning her gaze to the letter she was writing. "This is the only way to stop Daenerys, as cold as it is."

In truth, the young Wildling Commander had no idea if Jon could kill Daenerys. Davos was right -- it wasn't his nature. But war had pushed them all to do terrible things, including Daenerys. That had consequences, however cruel they would be. Amodera signed the letter with her name before placing the quill back in its pot. The letter held an urgent message for Sansa, to bring the rest of the bannermen and any allies of the North she could muster to Kings Landing. Whether Jon killed Daenerys or not, war was coming -- of that, Amodera had no doubt.

The sound of pounding hooves echoed across the cobblestone streets, quickly capturing the attention of the two. Arya rode up to where Amodera and Ser Davos had found refuge from the merciless glare of Daenerys soldiers, jumping down from the ivory horse as she reached them. "They've taken him, they've taken Jon!"

Amodera stood, an urgency in her movements that made a wave of sickness cross her stomach. The young woman leant on the table, shaking her head in disbelief as she took it all in. "He did it..." Turning to Ser Davos, the young commander folded the letter she had written before passing it across to him. "Get this to Sansa, as quickly as you can. I'll find Jon."

"I'm coming with you." Arya stated, stepping in front of the young woman as she attempted to leave.

"No, Arya." Amodera replied, shaking her head sternly. There was no saying where these events could lead them, but she couldn't risk losing Jon's sister against the Unsullied. There was already so much she was putting at risk; a future cost that she knew was on the line. But Jon was the only thing on her mind at that moment -- seeing him, holding him, telling him everything.

"I'm the best fighter you have."

"I know that, but I don't need a fighter right now. We need to wait till Sansa and the rest of our bannermen arrive. Without them, even if we get Jon, we'll never make it out of the city alive." Amodera explained, placing her hand upon the shoulder of her newest sister. They had not known each other long, but Amodera prayed that Arya trusted her. Trust was what kept the Starks together so long; trust in their family -- from the oldest ancestor to a babe in the womb. "I can deal with Greyworm; you wait for Sansa. She'll know what to do."

Arya stared at the commander in silence for a moment. She'd lost so much, it became hard to trust someone else to do the job; to do it right. She'd just got her family back and she would not lose them again. But in truth, she knew Amodera felt the same -- Jon was the commander's family, her future. She had as much to lose as the rest of them. With a slight pang of regret, Arya nodded, allowing Amodera to pass her and head deeper into the broken city to save their family.

Fear clawed at Amodera's stomach as she ran through the ruins of King's Landing, with the thought of Jon the only one that dared enter her mind. She couldn't let him suffer, couldn't let him die, for what she had pushed him to do. No -- she would move heaven and earth before she let him go. Life had been empty without him; she had a future now, one she needed to defend.

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