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I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has ever read, voted, commented or shared this story. It means the world to me and I honestly wouldn't have been able to finish it without you.

When I started this fanfiction almost two years ago, I could only dream of it having this many views. I could only dream of finishing it, because I was so bad at updating regularly! But I've made it, and it's all because of you!

Without the support, friendship and guidance of all you amazing readers, I never would've made it this far. I'm so grateful to each and every one of you and I truely hope that I was able to deliver a fanfiction worth your time.

I hope you enjoyed every second of Amodera and Jon's journey as much as I did. I'll miss writing for them greatly, but all good things must come to an end.

Thank you so much. Every single one of you is valued; every single one of you is worthy; every single one of you deserves thanks and respect.

Valar morghulis,
Cat x

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