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"TORMUND," AMODERA BEGAN, POURING OVER A MAP OF WESTEROS. The pair had been trying to figure out the next step for the Wildlings for almost an hour now. There wasn't enough space in Winterfell for them all, and winter was coming; they couldn't survive in tents for much longer. "How many of our people are left? How many can fight?"

"We'll be lucky if we have a thousand soldiers left..."

The Wildling woman muttered a curse under her breath. Ramsay Bolton was dead, the Starks were back in Winterfell, and for once, the Free Folk weren't being hunted -- and yet the Great War was only just beginning. Amodera collapsed into a nearby chair, allowing her exhaustion to take over. There was so much uncertainty in the world right now that she took pleasure in the calm of Winterfell.

A knock sounded against the hard mahogany door. The two Wildlings shared a gaze, before Tormund stood and strode over, opening the door. "Snow," He announced as he stepped aside -- allowing Jon to enter the room.

Amodera stood, nodding her head softly at Jon as a sign of welcome. He looked weary, but there was a light in his eyes she hadn't seen in weeks. A tranquility she couldn't help but envy.

"How are you finding Winterfell?" Jon asked, gifting the Wildling woman a gentle smile.

"I suppose it will have to do." She replied, her voice laced with sarcasm. "It's bigger than the tents we're used to."

"Care for me to show you around?"

Amodera couldn't help the slight smile spreading across her cheeks. "After you." She stated, nodding and gesturing to the door before turning to Tormund. "Make sure our people are comfortable. I will come and see them soon."

Tormund nodded, walking to the door and giving her a final look before leaving. His look said more than words could; as if he understood what was going to happen better than either of them did.


"I can't believe you grew up here," Amodera began, climbing up the stairs ahead of him onto the ramparts. "While I was fighting off wights, you were dancing at feasts."

Jon laughed softly, shaking his head. "It wasn't as good as you may think." He paused, looking out at the horizon."But I'd give anything to go back to it now. My brother, Robb....me and him used to race on those fields in the summer."

Amodera could see the pain that came over him. He didn't talk about his family much, but in the last few weeks alone, she had witnessed him find a sister and lose a brother. Whatever had happened to the rest of the Starks, she had put enough together to assume it was far from good.

Jon turned, studying her profile as she gazed across at the setting sun. From her long, bronze locks to her olive green eyes, he was infatuated by her beauty. It was unconventional; striking. He felt a warmth inside himself that he hadn't felt since Ygritte. It gave him hope that something good may come from all their suffering. That perhaps this was the way it was supposed to be.

Snow fell from the sky; littering her dark, unruly hair. Feeling his gaze upon her, she turned -- a piece of snow landing upon her face. Jon brushed his thumb against her cheek, wiping the snow away. He paused, before quickly removing his hand and looking out across the horizon once again. "I'm tired, Amodera; tired of fighting, tired of war....tired of having nothing but death around me." He stated softly, as if he were ashamed of his truth.

"I know. I am too, but it's our duty. So many lives depend on us. We started down this path, and now it can only end one way: death or victory." Amodera began, reaching up and turning his head to face her. "Whichever it is, I'll be right there beside you."

Her words resonated inside him, lighting a fire in his soul. He truly believed he could do whatever was needed, as long as she was with him. Amodera was his strength, he realised as he looked at her with a new-found hope in his eyes. Softly cupping her face in his hands, Jon leant in -- allowing his lips to graze hers.

Amodera kissed him back, allowing herself to melt into him for no longer than a few seconds, before she pulled away. "Come with me."


Wood crackled upon the fire; the warmth calling them into the room. Amodera had been given a large room to stay in, one of Winterfell's main quarters. A mahogany bed sat alongside the fireplace, while various chairs and tables littered the rest of the room. Jon entered behind her, a smile on his face. "This was my old room," He stated, turning to look at her.

"I'm glad you got your home back." The Wildling woman replied with a smile, pulling the fur cloak from her shoulders and placing it on a nearby chair.

Jon couldn't help but watch her. Everything she did had an aura of rough elegance about it. She was far from graceful, but there was a fluidity to her movements he couldn't help but awe. He stepped closer to her; breath catching in his throat.

Amodera paused, before leaning forward and kissing him, an urgency and abruptness to it -- as if she thought if she waited any longer she would never have the chance again. His lips were soft and plump, and cold from the icy winds outside. She allowed herself to disarm; to feel shielded by his warm embrace.

His fingers were rough from years of holding a sword, and his grip upon her skin was strong -- as if he thought she might disappear if he let go. She let her hands roam his body as they kissed; removing his white fur cloak before pulling off the leather armour and shirts beneath. Amodera pulled back from the kiss, looking at his chest. Dark scars littered his torso; remnants of the betrayal of his men. She hadn't seen them since the night he had come back from death and they were still as cutting as ever. Jon followed her gaze to his scars and a sadness fell across his features. "I-" He began, unsure what to say, but Amodera just kissed him softly on the lips before kissing each one of his scars to show him she didn't care. He was here; broken but alive, and he was all she needed.


Haha, did you guys think I was gonna get all Fifty Shades of Grey on ya? No thank you, I'll leave it to your imagination ;)

Chapter 11 is here! Not a lot of action in this one, but Jon and Amodera are finally together -- romantic stylez (anyone else read that in Jake Peralta's voice??)

I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment what you thought and any feedback you have for me so I can improve.

Thank you all so much for your love and support! This chapter is dedicated to sleepismyoblivion for their incredible support and for always reminding me I need to update xx - CAT c:

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