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AMODERA ALLOWED THE HOT WATER TO SWALLOW HER BODY, SOOTHING HER ACHING LIMBS. The Free Folk had been at Eastwatch for weeks, without a single word from Jon Snow -- until last night. The letter hadn't said much; just that Jon had made some sort of alliance with the Dragon queen and needed to talk with Amodera. A bad feeling stirred within her stomach. If Jon was coming to Eastwatch instead of Winterfell, he had some sort of foolish plan.

Amodera sunk beneath the water, letting all her worries be washed away. It was the only reprive from her command; the only reprive from life. She savoured every minute of peace, knowing the second she stepped outside she would once again have to face reality. A dark evil laid beyond the wall; threatening everything they held dear. Defeating it was all that mattered.

Standing up, Amodera clambered out the bathtub and pulled a fur coat across her body -- a shield against the icy winds that worked their way through every sliver of Eastwatch. She walked into the room she'd been living in; compared to the luxuries of Winterfell, it was dark and cramped, and a reminder of all they'd sacrificed to get here. Of all they'd lost.

"Commander," a voice began from the other side of her door. "They're here."


The harsh breeze whipped through her hair, curling around her body as she stood on the stony shore. Boats that had begun as specks on the horizon grew ever closer, until she could make out the figure of Jon sitting at the bow.

Tormund stepped up beside her, his face falling as the boat pulled up on the sand and Jon, Ser Davos and two men she did not recognise stepped out. "They don't have the big lady."

Amodera chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Can't imagine why she wouldn't want to come." She stated sarcastically, glancing over at him.

Tormund turned to her, eyebrows furrowed.  "Why?"

"Commander," Jon's voice drew their attention away; she turned towards the sea once again. "I'm afraid I must ask for your help once again."

Amodera grimaced, the winter winds stroking her cheek as she looked out across the raging seas. "Well," she began, turning back to meet his gaze, "What do you need?"

"A wight. Alive."

A burst of gruff laughter boomed from Tormund's lips, but Amodera could see that this was no joke. Jon was serious, and that filled her with dread. "Either you're joking, or you're crazy." Tormund muttered, shaking his head in bewilderment.

"Perhaps the latter," Jon replied calmly, licking his chapped lips as he looked up at Amodera. "We need to do this if we want any chance at defeating the Night King."

Amodera sighed, exasperated. "How many queens are there now?"


"And you need to convince the one with the dragons or the one who fucks her brother?" Tormund questioned, arching an eyebrow.

The corner of Jon's mouth twitched upwards, forming a slight smile. "Both."

Amodera paused, watching Jon carefully. She could see how important this was to him, and yet she could not understand. After everything they'd been through, all the horrors they'd witnessed, how could they do this? "Leave us." She stated, staring into Jon's eyes with a stone cold expression upon her face.

The people Jon had arrived with glanced around at each other before Tormund nodded at them, beginning to walk off towards the town. The others followed suit, leaving Jon and Amodera alone on the beach. The Wildling woman turned, striding across the stony beach -- looking up at the wall of ice above them.

Jon stepped up beside her, matching her pace. "How have you been?"

"The people enjoy having their own place to stay."

"No," he began, placing his hand upon her shoulder delicately, "How have you been, Amodera?"

The commander felt a smile tugging at her lips as she turned to face him. "I'm good. For now." She mumbled, before letting out a soft breath of air. "Voluntarily going north of the Wall in the height of winter is madness, Jon. If the cold doesn't kill you, the wights will."

Jon sighed, looking down at the ground. "I know, Amodera, but I have too."

"Why? To prove yourself to some queen?" She questioned, her voice growing louder. She couldn't hide her anger at his plan. They had survived this long together; what more did he want? "You don't need her! You have the Free Folk; you have..." Amodera bit her lip in an attempt to hide her truth, before the words gushed out anyway. "You have me."

Jon looked up at her, a sadness in his dark eyes like the one she had seen when they'd left for Eastwatch. He paused, shaking his head softly. "It-It's not enough." He began, placing his rough, calloused hand upon hers. "We can't stop the Night King alone. We need Daenerys' army and we need Cersei's army. This is the only way."

Amodera paused, her eyebrows furrowed. She felt a pain deep in her stomach and the though of how this would end; at the thought of losing him. "There's no way we all make it back from this." She said quietly, her sage eyes glistening with regret.

"I know. I'm prepared for that." He replied softly, stepping forward cautiously. "Are you?"

Amodera paused, her eyes scanning every inch of his face as if it was the last time she would see him. She wanted to remember everything about him: the kind eyes that always made her feel safe, the small scar upon his chin where she'd caught him with her blade as they'd practised sparring. She needed to remember everything about him to be willing to risk losing him again. Leaning forward slowly, Amodera slammed her lips against him -- kissing him with such an urgency that it felt as if she may never let go. Jon wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her body close. She could feel the warmth radiating off his chest, wrapping around her like a shield, before she pulled away, leaning her head upon his chest. The two stood in the shadows of the Wall for what felt like hours -- nothing but the warm embrace of each other's bodies to remind them that they were still living.


Hiya! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. A little Jon and Amodera reunion for you c:

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