Chapter XXIII: The Risk Takers

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"What in the world are you thinking right now, Minkyun?"

We were on the way to school and I've noticed Minkyun had been silent ever since we left the house.


No reply.


Again, he didn't reply.

"Park Minkyun!"


"You're fired."

"Sir! I was just thinking about something!"

"And what is it if I may ask?"

"I was... I was thinking about what you told me yesterday. About the crown princess."

"And what about her?"

"Well, I have some doubts about her actions and words."

"You doubt her?"

"Yes sir."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know but, I've got some weird feeling about what she said to you."

I looked at him for a while and then relaxed once more.

"The reason you're like that is because she's not yet fully recovered from the shock which Hyungwon's exile caused. She may look okay outside but inside, there's a storm blowing inside of her. I offered myself to her as a shoulder she could cry on and fortunately, I think she took it rather well. Don't worry, you know her right? You'll go back to feeling the same way towards her like before."

"Alright sir... whatever you say..."

I looked outside and admired the view.

"It's a beautiful day today. A beautiful day like this means a new and good beginning for everyone... especially her."


"A-are you sure?! You're really doing this?! M-my plan?!"

"Yes I am. I don't have to repeat it to you."

"This is huge! Like a really huge development!..."

"Kihyun? Why did you stop talking? Is there something wrong?"

"If you really are going with my plan then you're going to pretend to be in love with Changkyun again, right?"

"Yes, that is your plan. Why?"

"Oh God... now what... "

"What's wrong?"


"I don't follow..."

"You see, I didn't expect him to send a message, like this poem to you."

"Oh that. Well, you can tell Hyunwoo about your plan so that Hyungwon may understand. I mean, what if it succeeds just as how you described it to be in the first place? What if I manage to get Changkyun's heart and attention once more and ultimately, have his dad bring him and me to Paris?"

"I know what my plan is, thank you very much. Alright, I'll quickly inform Hyunwoo about the plan so that Hyungwon would learn of it too and understand. Actually, there is one thing..."

"Yes? What is it?"

"I only realized just now that this is a big risk for you. Are you sure-"

"Yes I am. I am sure that the right day will come when I tell Changkyun about this and ask for his forgiveness."

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