Finale- Chapter XXXIV: The True King Of Korea

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"So we're really heading towards the Palace?!"

"That's right." said the driver. "For the fifth time if I may add."

"And it's Jooheon's instructions?" I asked.

"It's the Prince Regent's instructions."


"So His Majesty hasn't woken up yet?" Hyunwoo asked,

"I'm afraid so but I'm sure that during His Majesty's temporary incapacity, His Royal Highness would be able to sort out the troubles that's plaguing our country right now."

"That's what we think too." said Hyunwoo.

"After the Palace, we'll be sent home then, right?"

"From what I've heard, yes." The driver replied.

"Now that's a relief." I answered. "But still, this means (Y/N) and I would be able to see each other again!"

"Ehem! I'm sure the Prince Regent would grant that request of yours to see Her Royal Highness."

"Um sir? I don't want to sound offensive to you but the two of us are dating so I think it's fine calling her by her own name."

"Mr. Chae, the entire world knows the two of you are in a relationship, you don't have to remind me, thank you very much." The driver sarcastically replied. "I have great respect for the royal family you see."

"I see..."

"Looks like you met your match, hehehe!" Gunhee whispered to me.

"Looks like you're not crying anymore since you're out of prison!" I whispered back to him.


"That's enough you two." Hyunwoo told us. "By the way sir, you told us earlier that while Joo- I mean, the Prince Regent was speaking in the National Assembly, former PM Lim held a simultaneous press conference at his office. What happened to him?"

"Oh that traitor? Let's listen to the radio then, shall we?"

He turned on the car's radio.

"...As of this moment, there hasn't been any word on former PM Lim's whereabouts. The police has already been granted permission by his son, Lim Changkyun to go inside. He told the police that his father hasn't returned there since leaving very early this morning for a meeting with the King and several officials. As everyone knows, Prince Jooheon, who has now been declared as Prince Regent, revealed earlier that PM Lim has a tumour in his brain which could be the cause of his rather surprising behaviour today combined with witnessing firsthand the King collapsing. It is not yet known if the former prime minister has any other motives. The police has also raided his offices where his staff were equally perplexed by the turn of events. They have taken all of them for questioning. A reward has been put up for anyone who would be able to pinpoint where the former prime minister is hiding. Meanwhile, following the Prince Regent's explicit order to the army, Chae Hyungwon and his companions has been released by a military camp near Seoul and are now heading back to the city. It is reported that they would be meeting the Prince Regent and the Princess at the Palace. Interim Prime Minister Shin, who was appointed as such by His Royal Highness has appealed to his predecessor to surrender himself already. He also thanked the public for listening to the Prince Regent and ending their protests. The large crowds of people surrounding the Palace as well as in Gwanghwamun Square has now disappeared. An air of normalcy is slowly returning to the city.

"We're going to be seeing good days from now on, right?" Kwangji asked making us all look at him.

I smiled. "Yes, good days are finally ahead."

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