-Chapter 2-

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I'm really happy with the results of the first chapter! :D

I'm not going to ask for a certain number of notes for the next chapter - I post when I feel like I've waiting long enough - but please do if you like it! And tell me what you think in the comments! :D


Chapter 2

In a few hours, we reached what was to me, the greatest place in the world. Hogwarts School of witch craft and wizardry. We joined the school ground on thestrals pulled carriages. I was never able to see them until a few months ago. Considering the reason I could, I would have preferred for them to have remained invisible to me, but at the same time, they were so... unique and interesting. I felt the need to know more about them. I mentally added to my list of things to read about in the library. Maybe ask Hagrid.

After the battle, Hogwarts had been completely repaired. We walked up the stairs and took place in the Great Hall. I closed my eyes, smiling to myself as I replayed many moments of my childhood that took place in this very room.

Chatter filled the room, students looking happy and joyful as ever. Students who were unable to attend school last year because of the laws against Muggle-borns were all back. A year behind - like me - but back.

I analyzed the room and looked over at the teacher's table. McGonagall was proudly seated in the Headmaster's chair. Most of the old teacher's were there. But 2 I didn't recognized.

The first one was a young woman, maybe in her mid 30's. She had ginger hair and wore a dark purple robe. Next to her was a man who caught my attention much more than she did.

Instead of wearing a wizard's robe like everyone else, he wore a Muggle blue suit with a deep red tie. Scare classes surrounded his chocolate brown eyes and his dark hair spiked up in the air. He seemed rather happy to be here with a smile curling the corners of his lip on his thin face. As I looked at him with interest, I realized that he was also looking in my direction. Embarrassed of being caught, I looked away immediately, my cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink.

"Who's he?" I asked Ginny. Maybe he was a teacher from last year.

She looked over to who I was pointing.

"No idea," she shrugged her shoulders.

I found getting back into my studies very easy. Maybe because I had never truly stopped studying. In just the first week, I stayed ahead on my homework and had easily went back to being every teacher's favorite.

Turns out the ginger woman at the teacher's table was the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, professor Noble. Considering the number of DADA classes I've had in a week, I never saw her once perform a spell, but she made sure we worked plenty. She was getting negative reviews by a few students, but so far, I liked her. She was... something special. And funny. From what she told me last class, I was already her favorite too, succeeding every spell on the first try.

The only class I hadn't been to yet was Astronomy. This took place at 10PM, Friday nights.

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