-Chapter 23-

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Hey hey! I know I was supposed to post this yesterday, but it was my province's  birthday, the St-Jean. I'm from Quebec, Canada, for those wondering ^^ So that means that yesterday, everyone was partying including me. And today, everyone has a head ache including me XD

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter :D


Chapter 23

The past week had been difficult. I was working hard to keep away from John. To not glance at the teacher's table during every meal. To not look up in Astronomy while he spoke to us and keep my nose in my books. To not chase after him, telling him I've changed my mind and that I was all his after crossing him in the halls. No, I couldn't do those things. Letters from Ron kept me on track. I hadn't looked at him for more than 3 seconds since the "break up".

But a week later, things took a terrible turn.

I had a free period in the afternoon that I usually dedicated to studying, but my mind was somewhere else. So instead, I decided to wonder the halls alone.

I wasn't thinking about where I was going, I just walked. I don't think I was even thinking. My mind was blank as I wondered with no place in particular to go. And then I turned a corner and walked a little down a hall when I stopped straight in my tracks.

At the end of the hall, John had just turned the corner. Seeing me, he also stopped and looked right at me with an unreadable face. Forgetting my promise to myself to not look at him, surprised, I stared at him for a moment before I opened the door right next to me to hurry into the room and shut the door behind myself. I must have looked ridiculous to him, running away in such a panic.

It took me a moment to notice that I was in the girl's bathroom on the second floor. Then I came to a sudden realization. This is the place that all of my "changes" happened. I should have just walked out and face John for one second as I walk next to him and run to the common room, but I was curious. I walked further into the room, all the way to the sink. I remembered when I went down the secret passage way with Ron just a year ago... The chamber was a dark and creepy place. I rather never visit again.

I ran my fingers on the snake on the fossett. Everything was so quiet as Myrtle was probably somewhere down the pipes. Why she liked it down there, I would never know. I took a deep breath and looked down, clenching my hands to the side of the sink. When I looked up into the mirror, I wasn't me. The buzzing sound had came back, my skin was pale and lips were blue. My scarlet eyes stared at my reflection. This time, I knew it would happen, so I wasn't overcome with panic. I was calm. I ran my fingers through my straight long hair and placed it behind my pointy ears. I was examining myself, every little change, I noticed. Like how my cheeks seemed thinner and my face seemed longer.

But I was caught off guard when the buzzing sound suddenly turned into a ringing in my ears. As it got louder, it got more and more painful. I let go of the sink to grab my head, clenching my jaw as tight as I could, but it was too much, I felt like my head was going to explode! I felt to the ground into fetal position and, despite my fighting not to, screamed. I was just about to faint when the ringing went down as quickly as it appeared to be replaced by a different kind of buzzing sound than earlier. I opened my eyes, but all I could see was a blue light. Then everything went black.

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