-Chapter 35-

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Hey hey dear readers! Only 2 chapters to go! :D

I would like to go on a dark note and say that my thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims of the shooting in Aurora, Colorado :(

But nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this chapter and love yo faces


Chapter 35

After Ron walked through the castle doors, I stood there alone in the empty hall as what just happened sunk in. I just left him, left Ron, the guy I've known and loved for so long. And it felt... bitter sweet. Sweet because I was finally free from him, there was no more going behind backs and fighting. Everything was out in the open and honest. Bitter because, well, no matter what, I would always love him and that now we wouldn't be speaking for a while. How long, I didn't know.

I breathed in calmly and whipped the tears away. I wouldn't have tears for him anymore.

The Great Hall door creaked open and the Doctor appeared, smiling apologetically.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

I nodded and smiled to him before taking his hand in mine. I was done with lying, done with keeping secrets, I wanted to let everyone know I loved him.

"John - I mean Doctor... Dance with me?" I beamed.

"Of course, Mione," he said then leaded me back to the ball.

Hand in hand, we walked to the middle of the dance floor where he placed his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders and we started to sway to the soft music. Whispers of shock surrounded us as student's jaws dropped all over the room. Even the other teachers looked in disbelief at us. But I didn't care, I smiled to my love then rested my head on his chest.

I caught a glimpse of Harry dancing with Ginny. He had a small smile on his lips as if he knew I would pick the Doctor while Ginny couldn't take her eyes off of us, her face as red as her hair. I laughed to myself and shook my head before looking back up at the Doctor. His smile was going from ear to ear and so was mine. The looks on everybody's faces were amusing to us.

I got on the tip of my toes since he was so tall and he leaded down to finally share our first honest kiss with no third person in the picture. It was beautiful.

There weren't just whispers, but gasps filled the room, it was a true scandal, but they didn't know a thing about us. Only Harry did and he simply shrugged to Ginny insulted expression.

The Doctor received a tape on the shoulder and he broke the kiss to turn around to see McGonagall looking at him thin lipped and firm.

"You do know this means you are fired, Smith?" she asked.

"I'll pack my things and leave tonight," he smirked. He brought his lips just an inch away from my ear to whisper, "And I'll be back for you."

I smiled and McGonagall simply walked away, no further questioning. She couldn’t do more than fire him, I was 18 and besides, I was finishing in a month, what good would it do to? I looked over to see Flitwick frown to her and say something, she simply shrugged it off.

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