Chapter Two

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Simon Minsk

"Fuck me," I say, not sounding like myself as the words tumble from between my lips

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"Fuck me," I say, not sounding like myself as the words tumble from between my lips. My tawny colored skin immediately turns red and my mouth hangs open in a silent scream of embarrassment.

"I-" I start to say, but then my voice fades away. "I'm sorry." I finally manage to say, though my voice cracks awkwardly. I feel myself break out into a cold sweat. Damn social anxiety.

"That's okay." The god-like man from the elevator tells me. He manages to chuckle softly, and briefly I wonder if he's laughing at me or with me. I'm definitely not laughing, so he must be laughing at me. Right?

"You're Simon?" He asks. "The single?"

So what? I get identified by my relationship status now? "Yes." I say, my voice still shaky, my knees still wobbly as I stand before him. "I'm Simon."

Dr. Simmons nods his head, licking his lips quickly. I follow the motion of his tongue with my eyes, a pool of desire filling the pit of my stomach.

"Okay, you can just have a seat over there on that couch." He says, gesturing towards a black leather couch in the middle of the room.

I close the door and walk over to the couch, relieved when I sit, I was afraid I might fall again. Dr. Simmons walks over to his desk, picks up a pad of paper and a pen, and walks over to sit in the chair across from me. I watch his suave movements as he does so, everything seemed so easy with him, and it was undeniably sexy.

"So, Simon," he says, uncapping his fountain pen and looking up at me. I immediately deter my eyes from his, afraid of what he might think of me. I mentally scold myself for song so. "Why are you here? You want to spice things up in the bedroom? Maybe you want to know tricks on how to last longer?"

"I need your help losing my virginity." I blurt, figuring it would be easier to just rip the band aid off then to drag it out by stuttering.

Dr. Simmons blinks for a moment, then looks down to check something on my file. Probably my birthday. That's right. I'm twenty and still a virgin.

He looks back up at me and nods. "Okay. Why do you think you're still a virgin? Because if it's because you haven't found the right girl...or guy...then you're in the wrong place."

"No, it's not that." I say, though I guess it partially is. I've never been in a real relationship before, not a sexual one at least. The most I've ever done is kiss a few girls and guys, before I realized that I was gay. "It's just..." I trail off, because honestly I have no clue what it mostly is.

"It's just what?" He asks, giving me a quizzical look that is honestly so sexy on him. Everything is sexy on him. I bet nothing is even sexier on him.

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