Chapter Six

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This chapter is dedicated to the amazing paristeen if you guys haven't already go check out every book this author has! You won't regret it!

Simon Minsk

"I have a confession to make

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"I have a confession to make." Diggy says. There's no anger in his voice, no malice, but instead I hear something I've never heard in him before, and that's fear.

I open the door wider without thinking about it, gesturing for him to come inside. He does, walking inside and looking around. He's never been inside before, only outside.

"We can sit on the couch." I say, walking over and sitting down. He does the same. I look at him, waiting for him to continue. "What is it?"

Diggy takes a deep breath, wiping the palms of his hands on his jeans, then turning to look at me. I keep my face stoic. I can't show any emotion right now, I'm not trying to give in to him.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking lately," He starts, then stops. "Well, actually, I haven't done much thinking at all."

I raise an eyebrow. "What are you trying to say?"

"I've been denying something ever since you ran into the elevator that day." Diggy says, licking his lips before continuing. I could tell he was nervous. Licking his lips is his obvious tick, and I can't help but find it attractive every time he does it. "I been feeling some type of way about you, and for the longest I didn't know what that was. But I think I know what it is now."

Inside, I feel like I'm about to faint, but on the outside I look disinterested and unimpressed.

Diggy looks down, away from me, and I feel bad for having such a cold demeanor towards him, but I honestly can't trust myself or my feelings when I'm around him.

"I like you, Simon." Diggy admits, and I feel my heart rate increase. I think it might best out of my chest. "I got mad yesterday because all I could think about was how Isaiah gets to have what I want. And that's you."

"Diggy," I say, my voice soft. I feel like I might throw up.

"You don't have to say anything right now." Diggy says, standing up. "I know I have the worst timing ever, but I just couldn't go another minute without telling you. I'm sorry I treated you like shit, I was just trying to deny how I felt. I'm sick of denying it."

Diggy walks to the door, and I'm glued to my seat, rendered speechless by his confession.

"Wait," I say, standing up but not moving any closer to him. He turns around and looks at me, a hopeful look in his eyes, and for a brief moment I think about going to him, letting him have me, but I know that I can't do that. "So are you gay?"

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