Chapter Three

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Daniel "Diggy" Simmons

My eyes flutter open, squinting against the harsh early morning sunlight that filters through the pink curtains

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My eyes flutter open, squinting against the harsh early morning sunlight that filters through the pink curtains. I roll over on my back, a warm and bare body pressed against my own. I look over and see the girl I took out last night. Charley.

I sit up slowly, careful not to stir her awake, and I get out of the bed. I stretch, feeling my muscles awaken, and then I search the floor for my underwear. I find them discarded by her ripped, lacy ones.

Damn I was rough last night.

I pull on my clothes, grabbing my wallet and car keys, and slipping out of the door. I shoot her a quick text, telling her how I have to be at work, and how I hope we can do it again sometime.

We won't. She was what I like to call a One and Done.

I crank my car, the soulful sounds of R&B filling the interior of the vehicle as I drive out of the parking garage attached her Charley's apartment.

I text Marvin to tell him I'll be a few minutes late to the office today. He replies with the rolling eye emoji. I chuckle and shake my head, I found enjoyment in getting on Marvin's nerves, almost as much as I liked flirting with Eva.

I stop behind some traffic downtown, sighing. I check my watch. I have an appointment in an hour and half, and I damn sure don't have time for this. I look out my window, then do a double take when I see Simon coming out of a coffee shop.

He looks both ways before crossing between my car and the one in front of me. He throws his hand up in a polite wave, but stops when he sees me sitting behind the wheel. I smile at him giving him a two finger wave with my hand on the steering wheel. The corners of his mouth twitch slightly, awkwardly, and then he's off again.

It's weird. Last night he didn't seem nervous around me at all,  or when he was with his friend. Now that he's alone, he's back to being this skittish boy. I raise an eyebrow, watching as he disappears down the sidewalk, throwing a few glances over his shoulder back at me. I wasn't very surprised to learn her was gay, I can mostly read people, and I could tell the female anatomy wasn't something he was really into. I don't have a problem with it though, love is love in my opinion.

The person behind me honks their horn. I look up to see that cars have started moving in front of me. I refrain from flipping them off and I continue driving, all the while my mind is on Simon.


I rush through the double doors into the lobby of the building I work in. Eva's nails and lips are a different color now, an electric lime. She looks at me and shakes her finger in my face disapprovingly.

"If Marvin calls me one more time asking if you've made it, I'm gonna go upstairs and wrap that phone line around his throat." Eva says. "If I wasn't waiting on a call from my boo thang I would've unplugged my phone."

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