Chapter Fourteen

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Daniel "Diggy" Simmons

Daniel "Diggy" Simmons

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"Daddy's home."

Seven says with a smirk on his face, kneeling down in front of me, looking me right in my eyes. I stop breathing, my heart rate increases, and I swear it's going to happen in that moment. My murder.

He chuckles softly. "I've been waiting for this moment, Daniel."

He uses my first name. He's always used my first name. Never my nickname.

"Every night I would sit in that damn jail cell, and other inmates would think about how they would hug their kids when they see them, all I could think about was how I wanted to choke mine." Seven says, his eyes going dark as he stands back up. "Finally the moment has come."

I mutter through the tape, wanting to tell him how terrible of a father he is, how killing me won't stop him from going right back to jail.

"What was that?" He asks, then smirks at me.

I stare up at him angrily. I don't know why, but the longer I see it looking at him, the longer he taunts me, the less scared I become and the angrier I get.

Seven turns to Hakeem, Fiona, and Isaiah. They stand there, looking back at him, like perfect little toy soldiers, waiting for their next move to be practically made for them. Seven's eyes fall to Ester, and she whimpers pathetically.

"What is she doing here?" Seven asks. "Isn't this Simon's mother?"

"Yes." Fiona says, looking down at Ester, who stares back up at her in disbelief. She's probably as shocked as I am that Fiona is here helping him, that Fiona has been playing us this entire time.

"Then what is she doing here?" Seven asks. "She's supposed to be dead already."

"You just told me to bring her here." Hakeem says.

Seven looks to Isaiah. Isaiah shrugs. "I thought you wanted to wait."

Seven sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose like he's always done when he's frustrated, when he's trying not to explode and lash out. "Fine. We'll wait."

Ester looks relieved that she's got a little time left, but still she can tell that death is just around the corner. Just like it is for me. Actually, death is looking down on me right now in the form of my father.

"You know that this is all your fault, right, Diggy?" Seven asks, pulling a chair over to me and sitting down in it. He takes a gun from his back and holds it in his hand. I stare at it, then look back up at him. "If you hadn't snitched, if you hadn't been such a pussy, then none of us would be in this situation right now.

"You know? That's why I liked Jamir a lot more than you." Seven says with a chuckle. "The kid had balls. I can give him that."

I just stare at him. I want to yell at him. Ask him why he killed Jamir if he liked him so much, but it was impossible with this stupid ass tape over my mouth, so I just sat there in silence.

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