Chapter Nine

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Daniel "Diggy" Simmons

I wake up the next morning, and I've never felt happier or more at peace in my entire life

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I wake up the next morning, and I've never felt happier or more at peace in my entire life. Everything about this situation is perfect. From the smell of Simon, the feel of his perfect sleeping form wrapped in my arms, down to the pulsing of my hard bulge against his ass. Everything about this moment screams romantic.

Simon stirs in my arms as he wakes up. The movement causes his ass to rub against my bulge, making me bite my lip. If he keeps that up I'm gonna have a harder time holding back when all I want to do is pound him into my mattress.

When Simon realizes what it is that he feels, he immediately scoots away from me and blushes. That's right—he doesn't know it yet—but he's going to be running from the dick and begging for it at the same time.

"It's okay, baby." I chuckle. "You don't have to be scared. I'm not going to use it on you just yet."

"For some reason I find that oddly reassuring." He says, rolling over to look at me, scooting closer again, but careful not to bump my crotch.

"I could get used to this, you know?" I say, wrapping my arms around him as he kisses my nose. "Waking up next to you every day."

"I know." Simon says, though he bites his lip guiltily. I know he feels it too, so why doesn't he just leave Isaiah and come to me where he belongs?

Simon sighs and gets up. "I gotta get going. I got a class at ten."

I sigh but get up too. I need to get to work as well.

"Okay, I'll let you go, but you have to promise that you'll come back tonight?" I ask, wrapping my arms around him.

He smiles and nods his head. "Okay."

I lean down and he stands up on his tip toes to give me a kiss.

When we pull apart he looks down at my shirt on him. "Do you want these back?"

"No, keep them. They look better on you than they do on me anyway." I say, because quite honestly they did, and seeing him dressed in my clothes was making me pretty horny.

"I was going to keep them anyway." He says, and I smack his ass playfully.

He walks by and smacks mine in turn, giving me a playful smirk. I growl and wrap my arms around him, tossing him on to the bed as he laughs, and then pouncing on him, gently biting his neck and pretending to eat him.

Simon screams in laughter and I laugh too, pulling back and looking into his eyes, leaning down and capturing his lips with mine. This time, our kiss is filled with passionate and desire and hunger, and we both say screw work and school, all we need in this moment is each other.

Simon Minsk

Simon Minsk

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