Chapter Thirteen

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Simon Minsk

Together, Aiden and I walk out of my apartment building to a slight chill in the air, which was strange

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Together, Aiden and I walk out of my apartment building to a slight chill in the air, which was strange. I spot Diggy's car, the most expensive one in the parking lot, and Aiden walks me over to it.

I open the door and get in, leaning over to give Diggy a kiss, then stopping when I see someone sitting in the backseat.

"Mom?" I say.

She smiles at me. "Hi, honey."

"I hope you don't mind that I brought along another guest." Diggy says. "I figured we should all be there, you know?"

"Yeah." I say. "I know what you mean."

"And if stuff starts to go south, I figured Ester could probably talk to my mom." Diggy says with a shrug. "But fingers crossed that nothing bad happens."

I cross my fingers and he smiles at me, but I can tell he's about to shit his pants. I take his free hand into mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze, and gently rubbing it with my thumb.

"It's going to be okay." I say. "I'm going to be right there beside you, the whole time."

Diggy smiles as he pulls out of the parking lot. My mother reaches forward and squeezes his shoulder. "We'll be right there beside you."

I look back at her and smile. She smiles back at me, and then we both look at Diggy. Even if this goes south, he'll always have us, his family.


We arrive outside of Diggy's door, my mother has been too busy looking around the place in awe, I don't think she realized how much money Diggy truly had. Hopefully my mother doesn't think I'm gold digging.

Diggy freezes, his key in his keyhole, but he doesn't twist it. I hope he's not starting to have second thoughts.

"We're right here, babe." I say, kissing his shoulder. "We're right here."

Diggy looks at me and nods. He twists the key in the door and then opens it. He lets my mother and then me walk in, and then he follows behind us.

He closes the door just as his mother walks in. She smiles at us, looking slightly confused, probably expecting some beautiful, young woman to be standing here.

"Diggy." Justine says with a smile, she looks at my mother and me questioningly then back to Diggy, still wearing a smile.

"Ma," Diggy says, "I know I haven't been completely honest with you."

She raises an eyebrow, still wearing that same smile, despite being confused. "What? What are you talking about boy?"

Diggy steps up next to me, wraps an arm around my waist, and pulls me close to him. His mother watches the movement with her eyes, looks at me, then back to Diggy, that same smile frozen on her face, though her eyes show a completely different emotion.

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