Chapter Twelve

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Simon Minsk

I sit in the interrogation room, all alone, staring at my reflection in the two way mirror

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I sit in the interrogation room, all alone, staring at my reflection in the two way mirror. They told me this is where all interviews take place, but I still can't help but feel like a criminal, like a suspect in my own best friend's possible kidnapping.

The door opens and Aiden and an older gentlemen walk in.

"Simon Minsk." The older man says, and I see that his last name is Sawyer is well. Is he Aiden's father?

"That's me." I say, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.  I don't know why but I'm nervous, my palms are sweaty, and it feels like I'm about to throw up.

"My name is James Sawyer." James says, sitting down across from me and Aiden sits next to him. "And you already know my son, Aiden."

Aiden offers me a smile. I can't return it.

"I'm sure you already know why you're here." James says. "It's about Fiona Walsh. When was the last time that you saw her?"

"It was three days ago. She was staying with me after she got into a physical altercation with her boyfriend." I say. "Or he wasn't her boyfriend at the time, but she was pregnant with his child. She got an abortion and he got mad."

"Her boyfriend is Hakeem Adams, correct?" James asks me, writing something down.

"Yes. That's correct." I say.

"How far along was she?"

"A few weeks. Four maybe? Not very far along." I say.

"Did she tell Hakeem about the pregnancy?"

"No." I say. "I let it slip out when I caught him with another woman."

James takes note of something and I swallow. "This physical altercation, was it domestic abuse?"

I nod my head. "Yes. Fiona was pretty banged up after it."

"Why didn't she press charges?"

"Because." I say, shifting in my seat. "Hakeem deals drugs, and Fiona helped him clean his money through her mother's beauty shop. She didn't want to hurt her mother, so she kept silent about it."

"Obviously it was the wrong choice." James says.

"So Hakeem is behind this?" I ask, even though I already know the answer to this question, of course he was. I shouldn't have left her that afternoon, all for no good Isaiah. I should've stayed and maybe she wouldn't be missing right now. I'm a terrible friend.

"He's the prime suspect at the moment." James says. "He has the motive. Thank you for your time, Simon. You're free to go."

I nod my head. James stands up and leaves. Aiden looks at me.

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