Chapter Seven

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Simon Minsk

My eyes flutter open the next morning, squinting against the morning sunlight shining through the window, cascading its rays of light against my and Isaiah's bodies

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My eyes flutter open the next morning, squinting against the morning sunlight shining through the window, cascading its rays of light against my and Isaiah's bodies. That's weird, I don't remember falling asleep in my bedroom.

I look over and see Isaiah lying next to me, his head propped up in his hand, and his eyes looking down at me. He smiles as I become aware.

"Good morning." He says.

"Good morning." I reply back, sitting up and looking around my bedroom. I turn to look at him in confusion.

"I brought you in here when I woke up and you were asleep." Isaiah says. "I slept on the couch."

I'm surprised I didn't wake up when he carried me in here, usually I'm a light sleeper, but I don't know what my deal was last night.

"You didn't have to sleep on the couch." I say, though a part of me knows it was probably a good idea.

"It's okay." He says. "So, listen, there's something I need to tell you."

I immediately feel the atmosphere shift. This conversation is about to be serious, and I don't know if I'm ready for one of those, or if he's ready for one of those.

"I think it might be best if I move back home to Virginia. You know to take care of my mom." He says, looking at me, trying to gauge my reaction.

I stare blankly at him for a moment. I don't feel upset that he's leaving me, but I do feel upset that he's leaving himself.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because my mom is sick, Simon." He says. "She needs me there more than ever."

"So you're just going to leave you music career behind?" I ask. "Are you sure that's what she wants? For you to leave all that behind for her?"

Isaiah shakes his head and stands up. "I don't care if that's what she wants or not, it's what I want. When my mother became pregnant with me she left her dreams of a singing career behind to take care of me. Now it's time for me to return the favor."

"Isaiah," I start to say, but he cuts me off.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand what it's like to have a hard life and make hard decisions anyway." Isaiah grumbles, turning and walking out of my bedroom.

I feel a flash of red hot anger come over me and I jump out of bed, stomping behind him.

"You don't know what I know!" I snap. "My mother works just as hard as yours did. When I came out to them my father left us both, disowned us, and we never heard from him again! My mother stepped up, she took on more work just to keep the lights on and make sure I was fed, to make sure I had school supplies, and she always put me before herself. So don't tell me that I don't know what it's like to have to work for something, because I do. I worked too, I helped pay bills when I was still in high school. I went through ridicule from my classmates for not wearing name brand clothes, and then I went through even more teasing when I came out. So no, maybe I don't know what's it like to have a hard life because mine has just been so damn easy! So you know what? Screw you."

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