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One Year Later

Simon Minsk

Dear Fiona,

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Dear Fiona,

I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, and that you heard from Hakeem. I think the two of you working on your relationship is the first step to being great parents. You both have the potential(you more than Hakeem, but he might prove me wrong).

Baby Isaiah is growing everyday, and he's starting to look more and more like you everyday. It's comforting when I look at him, because I feel like I'm looking at you, and it reminds me of the good times we used to have.

Today is the day I graduate from college. It's a very bittersweet moment for me. I always thought you and I would be sharing the joy of this event, recreating pictures we took at our high school graduation, but I guess things have changed. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous to face this new chapter in my life, but excited to start it with Diggy by my side. Mom and Uncle Darnell come back from their honeymoon today, they've spent the last week in Florida, and mom wouldn't stop sending me selfies of the two of them. I'm happy for both of them, though having Uncle Darnell as my step father is going to take some getting used to.

Diggy has also told me that he has plans for us this weekend, and you never can tell what it's going to be with him. I'm anxious to find out, though.

I better get going, I've got a long day ahead of me. Take care of yourself Fiona. Oh, and I put some pictures of Isaiah in here for you. Maybe I'll come visit one day and we can talk face to face.


I put the paper in the envelope along with the photos and then seal it. I finish addressing it, and I'm putting on the stamp when Diggy comes in, carrying baby Isaiah in his arms.

"Somebody wanted to make it hard for Uncle Diggy to dress him today." Diggy says, looking at Isaiah, who reaches for his face and giggles.

"I think he just likes to see you struggle." I say, leaning into Diggy, and looking at Isaiah. "You like giving your Uncle Diggy a hard time?"

"He gets that from you." Diggy teases.

"You love it." I say, meeting him in a kiss.

"I gotta get going." Diggy says, kissing baby Isaiah's head, and then passing him off to me. "I'm going to see her today."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" I ask him, bouncing Isaiah, and looking at Diggy with concern.

"I'll be okay. Besides, I need to do this alone." He says, leaning over to kiss me again. "I'll see you at graduation. My baby boy is growing up." He says, pretending to wipe away tears.

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