Chapter Ten

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Simon Minsk

I don't know how fast I'm driving, but I know it's not the speed limit, and o briefly thank God that I didn't get a ticket as I whip into a parking spot outside of the hospital

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I don't know how fast I'm driving, but I know it's not the speed limit, and o briefly thank God that I didn't get a ticket as I whip into a parking spot outside of the hospital.

I get out, rushing to the emergency room, and stopping when I see the swarm of nurses and doctors, all working hard to take care of people. I stand still, take a few deep breaths, and then go to the front desk.

"Can I help you, sir?" The lady behind the desk asks me.

"I'm looking for Isaiah Jones." I say breathlessly. "I got a call that said he was here."

"Oh, yes." She says, typing something into the computer. "I just need to know your relationship to the patient?"

Isaiah and I had technically broken up, but with the way I rushed down here you would think we were still together. I debate a few more seconds before answering.

"I'm his boyfriend."


The nurse leads me to the back where a bunch of patients lie behind beds, concealed by curtains. She leads me to one curtain and pulls it back, and my heart aches when I see Isaiah lying in the bed.

I walk in and the nurse closes the curtain behind me, leaving me alone with him. He looks terrible, in way worse shape that Fiona was in. Despite the monitors, bandages, and stitches, he offers me a weak smile.

"Hey." He says, his voice weak and croaky. "You came."

"Yeah." I reply, taking the seat beside his bed and pulling it closer to him. "I don't know why I did though."

Isaiah stares at me for a moment, he swallows, but I can tell every movement hurts him. "I'm sorry. The truth is that I have been lying to you."

I feel my heart sink. Although I already knew this, to hear him say it just makes it worse. "What? Was I not important enough to you for you to tell me the truth?"

"No, no." Isaiah says. "You're so important to me, Simon, you mean the world to me."

"So that stuff about your mother having cancer?" I ask. "Is all of that true?"

With a shameful look in his eyes his shakes his head no.

"Wow, Isaiah." I say. "Wow. So what would've happened when we got to Virginia and your mother was doing just dandy?"

"I would've told you the truth then." Isaiah says. "When we were safe."

"Safe?" I ask. "Safe from what? Because had I went to Virginia with you and found out that you'd been lying this whole time, that shit would've really pissed me off and you would've been laying in a casket instead of this hospital bed."

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