A/n: ...

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Hey dear readers who actually read the crap I write, I know it's been a long time since I last updated and I'm so incredibly sorry for that.

A lot, I mean A LOT, of things happened in such a short period of time and I couldn't find time or ideas to write an actual readable chapter.

So to explain my absence, I'm going to tell all of you what happened these past months in order of how much they affected my personally.

First, my parents took my computer away because I was "failing" school and I couldn't have it all the time anymore and I was really focusing on school since I started in a new one that is a lot more difficult than the last one I studied at.

Second, my parents got divorced about a little more than a month ago and I wasn't in the right mind to do anything. I kind of knew it would happen so it didn't affect me as much as others think it did but it still got me pretty bad. I had to be there for both of my parents, especially my dad since he was broken after the divorce and I was trying to avoid every and anyone or simply trying to make it seem like I didn't care, especially cause I don't know how to deal or help with somethings other people that are important to me say, so it seems like I don't care or that I'm simply ignoring them.

Third, I almost lost my best friend to suicide by overdose. She texted me one night with a kind of suicide letter and I tried talking to her but she wasn't answering, but then I called her and she was still there. I hit me the hardest I think, but after that a lot more happened that is not actually about her but she was important to all of the following happenings.

And to explain the fourth happening in my life that messes with me the most, I'll tell you a "little" story. So to make it easier I will refer to people using letters: J is my best friend, E is a friend of my best friend that also became my friend and L is one of the most important people in the whole story.

It all started in my first day of school, I was new at the school and so was my best friend, J. Some of my best friend's friends also were starting there so I met some new people right when I entered the school. During the first break time, one of my best friend's friend, E, introduced herself to a girl, L, who was also new at the place. I had already seen her before during class and I thought she was absolutely gorgeous. E made a joke for her not to talk with J and I cause we are obsessed with K-pop but she said she liked it quite a lot and all three of us started bonding immediately, but mostly my best friend and her, since J is a LOT more obsessed with k-pop in general while I like a few groups but don't actually follow it all like I do with Fifth Harmony.

I started crushing on L and my best friend knew, but I thought she was straight so I didn't even try anything. But J's gaydar was working and she said she thought L was bisexual. And one day after a couple of weeks she told me she was thinking about trying to hook up with L, but I told her I was starting to actually like her so she stepped back and started to help me with her.

One day I went to ask for an old friend of mine, who surprisingly was also in my class at the new school, some advice since she is also gay and is dating for over an year now. But she told me she would talk to me later cause I had a lot of things to say but she approached me to talk but L was right beside me, since we were talking previously during break. And me being my stupid self, I let it slip that I had to talk with this friend of mine about her, but obviously not saying it like that. And that day on she knew I liked her but nothing changed between us, like she didn't distanced herself from me or stopped talking with my stupid self. She actually was starting to get closer to me and I started liking her more and more to the point where I found myself falling for her slightly.

One day, she went to a party and kissed a guy. And then she told my best friend right in front of me, even though she already knew I liked her. I hurt like hell and I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't cry when I got home cause I did and a lot.

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