~Chapter 4~

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"Oh yeah... I wasn't really thinking about anything when I was running away....." Asriel looked down at the thought of him actually having to run away.

"It is okay, my child. Would you like another slice of pie to lighten the mood?" Toriel suggested.


As Asriel responded, Toriel got up out of her reading chair and walked into the kitchen to retrieve another slice of the butterscotch cinnamon pie.

"Thanks, mom," Asriel said when Toriel came back out with the pie, setting the snack in front of Asriel at the table.

Once Asriel finished the pie he went back into his room to have another conversation with Chara.

So. Asriel started plainly

Can I have some of the pie? Chara said, asking for control so she herself could eat a slice of pie since Asriel had eaten the other pieces.

Sure, let me go get another piece for you from mom.

Chara, in Asriel's child body, got up and headed for the living room where Toriel was.

"Hey, mom?" Chara asked.

"Yes, Asriel?" Toriel Asked, not knowing Chara and Asriel had split control over the body.

"Actually, mom, you know how Azzy said something about me, Chara, and he could communicate with his mind? Well, we can both have control over Asriel's body too. Right now in Asriel's body, Chara is in control, I wanted to know if I, myself could have a piece of the pie?" Chara explained to the right now very confused Toriel, she tried to piece all of the information Chara had just given her, and seemed pretty successful.

Toriel stood up and retrieved another piece of the homemade pie for her other child after nodding slightly in understanding.

Toriel returned and handed Chara the plate of pie that Chara wished for, taking the fork and cutting it so she could have a bite of the delicious pie she had not tasted in a long time.

"Thank you, Toriel this is amazing!" Chara exclaimed after taking another bite.

"Your welcome, my child,"

Would you like to talk to mom some more and finish your pie before I take back control, Chara? Asriel asked, making sure Chara was done doing everything she wanted to do while she was in control

I would prefer to finish my pie, I do not have much to talk to mom about, but that is about it. Chara responded, answering Asriel's question.

Okay, just making sure. Asriel said, being the last thing in the conversation.

Five minutes later Chara was done eating her pie and was ready to let Asriel back into control for awhile.

Nothing really happened on the outside, just inside the body, and Toriel didn't even notice the change until Asriel told her himself.

"Mom, I'm back," Asriel said once the process of taking back control was over.

"Asriel, my child is that you? Chara was here for a while," Toriel said, unaware that Asriel knew that fact.

"I know, mom. I was the one that let her into control in the first place," Asriel informed her.

"Oh, I see now..." Toriel said once she figured what Asriel just said out.

"Mom?" Asriel said, trying to get her attention.

"Yes? What is it, Asriel?"

"Can you be the one that tells this to dad, I'm tired and need to get some sleep..." Asriel said, waiting for her response which was.

"Oh, I understand, you do need to recover after all that has happened in the last few days, and yes I would be happy to tell Asgore about all of this," Toriel said.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, mom," And with that, Asriel walked back to his and Chara's room, going to his bed and settling himself under the covers before drifting himself to a peaceful sleep.

A/N: This chapter wasn't as long due to me not having very many ideas to put in this. This chapter also isn't nearly as long as some of the others, this one has about 750 words and the others have somewhere around 1000. I will upload as often as i can, the thing where i don't get as many ideas interfering. but it will happen as often as possible. another thing that i don't know how to fix is even though i click the 'publish' button it still uploads the chapter as 'draft'. If any of you readers know how to fix it please tell me in the comments because i would really like to know how to fix it. next update is tomorrow or the next day.


(8/8/18, oof, dtk much? Anyway, oh my- this is- something
I'm trying to recover it tho)

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