Chapter 14

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While Toriel and Papyrus were convincing Undyne to not battle Frisk, she and Asriel were having their own fun out in the sea grass, and most of Waterfall...

"Uhh, hey, Frisk, Papyrus and Toriel are taking awhile so do you want to explore the rest of Waterfall? I've done it before so i already know my way around here. " Asriel said, starting to walk towards the exit of the sea grass. "Will we get in trouble for wandering off?..." Frisk said nervously, not wanting to get in trouble. "Don't worry, Frisk! We're not going to go far, and if it goes on long enough we can even come back here if you want, okay?" Asriel said, trying to convince her that she wouldn't get in any trouble. "Uhh, if you say so..." Frisk said, still slightly worried.

"So you know your way around this place?" Frisk said as they walked into the next room where was a plate of cheese on a table, with some sort of crystal that had grown around the cheese, and a mouse hole on the wall. When Frisk or Asriel went up to it, it would make a squeaking noise like a mouse, and the echo flower would make the same noise. "Yep, i used to be really bored before Chara fell, so i would explore the entire Underground!" Asriel said with some enthusiasm at the end of his sentence. "That's cool!" Frisk responded with the same enthusiasm as Asriel. 

They continued walking into the next room until they Sans beside a telescope? "How did he get from his sentry post to this?" Frisk whispered to Asriel, quiet enough that Sans couldn't hear. "I'm not sure actually..." Asriel responded, still whispering. "Teleportation?" Frisk guessed. "I don't know if monsters can do that but i guess we can ask." Asriel said. "Sure."  Frisk responded.

"Uhh, Sans? We have a question for you." Frisk and Asriel said in unison, walking up to him. "What is it, kiddos?" Sans said walking toward them with his hands in his pockets. "We were trying to figure out how you got from your sentry post to here and Frisk guessed teleportation..." Asriel said. through Asriel's sentence, Sans expression got more and more worried, until he finally just gave in, they had figured it out. He then turned to Frisk and said, "Welp, kiddo, your the first one to figure out my secret."  Sans said. "Are you the only monster that can teleport?" Asriel asked. "I'm the only one as far as i know." Sans said, shrugging, "But i don't know. There might be another monster out there that can teleport, but whoever they are, i don't know of 'em. " Sans continued. Then Asriel said, "Oh, i see." "Well you better be on your way, ya don't want to hang around here too long and Tori said you were in a hurry to get somewhere too." Sans said. "Oh yeah, we got to get going." Asriel said. 

As he started to drag her into the next room, where there was a duck. When one of them went up to the duck, it asked them if they wanted it to fly them across a gap in the path that they hadn't noticed. It wouldn't let them both go across at once, so first it took Asriel across, then Frisk. Once they were across, there was a path into the next room, and once they went into the next room, there were three paths to somewhere on their left. "Which one do you want to go to first, Frisk?" Asriel asked him. "Well, what about the first one right here?" She said. "Okay, lets go!" Asriel said, and then they both walked to the first path to their right. 

"Hey punk! What are you two doing at my house?! Better question, where have you been?!" A familiar voice asked from behind.

A/N: You know what i said about cliffhangers. XD. anyway apparently i can get 60 views in one day? thats amazing! i would have never thought that could happen!

and actually i thought i had a bit of writers block at the beginning of the chapter, and then i realized i was going to do a 'meanwhile' with Frisk and Asriel. so i didnt have any writers block which is good, but i might have a bit of writers block in the next chapter. im still trying to figure out how to introduce Alphys into this... welp i'll figure it out by the next chapter which is going to be in one to two days just like usual.

Word count:772 

Next update: one to two days

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