Chapter 4

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I walked to the field to talk to Carlos.
On the way, I felt a hand grabbing my arm. It felt like someone named Ben who happens to be my twin is the one who did that.

"What do you want, Ben?" I asked him. Little Benny-Ben-Ben always tried to make me annoyed. He chuckled. What is it with all his chuckling?!
"Calm down. I'm just going to say that I'm going to train Carlos later. Feel free to come by." He said, then winked. And with that he left. I can tell that the wink is about Carlos. So I decided to talk to him later when he's training. Then I went to the cafeteria to grab a sandwich.

In the cafeteria I met up with Jane, and I noticed that her hair changed. I didn't notice her going to the salon days ago..
I walked to her. "Hey, Jane!" I greeted, tapping her shoulder. She turned around and smiled at me. "Hi, Blaire." She answered. She doesn't look shy anymore. "So, you got a new hairstyle?" I asked, twisting a piece of her hair with my fingers. It's now long and curly, not short and straight.

Could hair grow that fast?

She smiled to me for noticing. "Yeah, Mal did it for me. She's not that bad, y'know?" She said, agreeing the VKs aren't that bad.
Well, I'm really happy that people are starting to like them.
I nodded. "Yes, she is. Well, I love your hair Jane. I gotta go, but I'll see you later!" I walked away, then looked over to my shoulder and waved.

"Bye!" She said as she waves back. And then I grabbed my sandwich before going back to the tourney field.

I see Ben with Carlos getting ready for a sprint. I walked over to Ben. "You made it." He smiled, almost a smirk. I rolled my eyes, and ignored him.

I turned my attention to Carlos. He smiled at me and made my heart raced. I smiled back, trying not to go red. Ben was counting down for him to start sprinting, but before he got to 3, Carlos already ran, while screaming. I noticed Dude follow behind him.

Oh no. I guess Cruella taught him weird and bad things about dogs.
"Ben, he's going for the woods with Dude!" I run after him. Ben finally realized and followed shortly after.

I saw Carlos climbed to a tree while Dude still stayed on the ground. "Carlos, what's wrong?" I asked him, and then I picked up Dude.

"Don't pick him up! He's gonna kill you! He's a vicious, rabid-pack animal! Put him down! I don't want him to hurt you!" He said, his last sentence made me a bit happy that he cared for me for just a pinch.

Ben chuckled. Which startled me a bit because I didn't see him come. Did he chuckle because he managed to hear Carlos' last sentence?

"Who told you that?" Ben asked, grabbing Dude from me. "My mother! She's a dog expert! Now put him down, please!" He begged, still staying in the tree. "You haven't met a dog, have you? They're not like that at all! This is Dude, the campus mutt. Carlos, Dude. Dude, Carlos." I introduced Carlos to Dude.

He looked a bit convinced, so he slowly climbed back down. "He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid-pack animal." He said, finally stepping the ground. Ben carefully hand him Dude.

"You're a good boy, are you? Yes you are.." He said, petting Dude in his arms. "Good boy." Ben said. He say that like Carlos' a dog. Or is he talking to Dude?

I chuckled this time. "What? Carlos is not a dog, Ben." I said. "Oh, yeah, I mean, you're a good runner. You're fast. I'll let you guys hang out with him. You can keep him if you want." He said, then left me and Carlos.
Good. No more Little-Benny-Ben.

I pet Dude that's still comfortably held by Carlos. "Did your mom really tell you that? About dogs?" I asked him, still petting Dude. "I haven't really met a dog before, that's why I assume she's right." He said sadly. I felt sad for him because of his mom. "If only you came here sooner you wouldn't be this scared of dogs." I said, still petting Dude. "It's better than never, right?" I feel that Dude was let go, and he went to the ground.

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