4 // riley

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"Riley, wake up," I lightly shook her.

Her little eyes opened, and she nodded her head. She uncovered and sat up.

"Did you sleep tight?" I ask.

She smiled and nodded. "Did you?"

"Yeah," I give her a reassuring look.

I got up and began rummaging through her closet.

"What do you want to wear? Any boys you are trying to impress?" I teased.

"No!" She got out of bed and hit me.

"Hey! I'm just kidding!" We both laughed.

I pulled out a green sundress with flowers all over it.

"How about this?"

She nodded.

"Alright now get dress and come to my room when you are done so I can do your hair."

I left her room and went across the hall to mine.

I picked out some black jeans and a matching black shirt. Not really caring how my hair looked, I threw it up in a ponytail. I looked back into the mirror and realized that the bags under my eyes were gucci. I quickly dabbed some concealer onto them and patted it. I don't even know why I bother, I already have a reputation of a weirdo at school, getting rid of my bags won't make a difference.

I had just finished when Riley walked into my room.

"Oh you look so beautiful in that dress!" I complemented her.

"Thanks boomer," she blused. "boomer" has always been my nickname, which is why Riley calls me that. Mom and dad used to call me it too, before they were taken in.

"What do you want today?" I asked with a funny voice. She squealed and ran to sit under my feet.

"A french braid please!"

"Coming right up!"

I grab a section of her thin hair from the top and began braiding it down. As I do so, I noticed she began humming a sweet song and traced her fingers onto the carpet.

Oh what I would give to be as carefree as her, not a single worry in mind.

Riley 100% got all of the good genes. She had my fathers piercing green eyes and my mothers fiery red hair. We both had freckles over our noses and checks, but hers just complemented her face so much better. She really is a gorgeous girl, anyone with eyes could see. She is going to break hearts one day.

I tied off her braid and patted her on the shoulder. "All set! We better go downstairs, the bus is coming soon," I told her and we both raced down the steps, having a little competition. She won, falling in a fit of giggles at the bottom of the steps.

I tickled her a little bit before helping her up. I quickly went to the kitchen and made her a lunch, putting it in her butterfly lunch box.

"Here you are, and just in time. The bus is pulling up!" I pointed out the window.

We both walked outside together, the air was much warmer than when I came home an hour ago.

Riley grabbed the lunchbox from my hand and gave me a big hug.

"I love you," I kissed her on the check.

She grinned at me before running off to the bus stop, catching it in the nick of time.



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