11 // bittersweet

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"What the hell boom? Are you mental!" Damon whisper screamed through the phone.

"Yes, but I think we found that out years ago!" I said back. "Please. It's the only way out. I need you to do this for me."

Damon knew all about my job, and my mental state. He was the one that found and rescued me after a suicide attempt at the underground. He was there for me after my parents got arrested, and he understood because his mom was arrested when he was young. His father, well let's just say isn't much better.

"I see. You are trying to escape."

"Yes, now call the damn police and anonymously tell them you know who killed Mr. Atkins and give them my address. If they do their job correctly, they should come to my house and raid it to find I'm already gone. Viper won't want me doing dirty work if he thinks I'm on the run," I explained my plan to him.

If Shawn was going tell the police, then I don't know when he would. If I do it, I have a head start to escape.

He took a deep sigh, and I knew that he knew it had to be done.

"What if I miss you?" He said, his voice small.

"I guess you will just have to deal with it. I, I'll miss you too."

Damon and I had a thing a few years back. We broke up after everyone started teasing us at the underground, besides, we are better off best friends than lovers.

And to top things off, I'm pretty sure he's gay, so there's that.

There was a long pause as he thought about what I was asking. Finally he answered.

"Fine, I'll do it. But you have to promise you won't do anything stupid."

"I promise," I giggled.

"Ok. Well, then this is goodbye. It was nice knowing you."

"We will see each other again, I'm sure of it."

"Until then, don't get caught. Don't make what I'm doing for nothing," he scolded.

"I won't, you can count on that."

"Good luck, see you on the flip side."

"See you there," I took the phone from my ear and ended the call. "Well Riley, it's now or never," I told her, smiling like an idiot.

I grabbed her hand to help her off the couch and out the door. We took one last glance around the home we grew up in, and with bittersweet eyes we locked the door, and disappeared into the night.

oho short but important chapter 🌚

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