9 // visitor

171 8 5

Later that night, after feeding Riley some ramen noodles, I heard a knock at the door.

This automatically frightened me. No one, I mean no one ever comes here. The only one who does is my aunt to drop off groceries, but she's already done that this month.

I tried to look out the window to see who it was, but I couldn't see anyone.

Riley and I just looked at each other, confused.

"Stay here," I told her and got into the safe and got out a gun.

I checked the windows once more to see if anyone was there, but they were in the blind spot.

Clutching my gun behind my back, finger ready on the trigger, I slowly opened the door.

A wave of confusion wiped over me when I saw who it was. I put the gun in my hoodie pocket, quickly so he couldn't see that I had it in the first place.


"Yup. Mr. Stevens wanted me to give you this work from today. We're starting a project, and since you weren't there I went ahead and signed you up in our group."

What the hell? This bitch was really making me mad. Why would I ever want to be in their group, I'd rather work by myself.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked, eyeing him up and down. Not checking him out, but just observing.

He wore a olive green hoodie that had the word "CROSSFIT" on it with black jeans and some black boots. In his hands were what I assumed to be his science binder and car keys.

He noticed my eyes and he shifted in his shoes, ran his hand through his hair and looked down.

"I used to ride your bus and I remembered you living here."

"Ok, that isn't creepy at all," I laughed.

He smiled at my joke, and things didn't seem too awkward anymore.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked politely. Maybe this won't be so bad. Besides, he came all the way here and it's the least I could do.

I may be a murderer, but I have some manors.

"If you insist," he smiled.

God, he was so hot.

I opened the door enough to let him inside and shut it behind him.

"It isn't much..." I said, noticing him looking around.

"No, I like it. It's cozy," he kept smiling at me, and I'm not gonna lie it made my knees weak every time. He's just so attractive, it is enough to make any girl swoon.

I lead him into the kitchen where Riley was eating her noodles. She raised her eyebrows at Shawn, then looked at me and widened her eyes.

"Riley, this is Shawn. Shawn, this is my sister Riley."

She didn't do anything, she just gave me a confused look.

"He's from school, he's bringing me work." I told her, giggling at her expression.

"Well then hi," she said reluctantly to him.

"Hi Riley, very nice to meet you."

"You too," she wouldn't stop looking at him skeptically, and it made me laugh a little.

"Wanna go to the living room so you can explain everything?"

"That would be great."

I lead him into the next room, and sat down on the couch. He followed after and plopped next to me.

He started to tell me all about the project, what I missed, and how to do it. It was really boring, but I tried my hardest to pay attention. I noticed he licked his bottom lip a lot when he talked, and when he wasn't doing anything with his hands he would play with a silver ring he had on. If he ever felt nervous or awkward he would scratch the back of his neck or run his fingers through his hair.

When he got done I told him I was going to get my binder so I could put the worksheets in it.

I walked into the kitchen, and the first thing Riley did was whisper scream "what the hell?"

"Trust me, I have no clue!" I whispered back.

"He's hot!"

"I know right!"

"Are you dating him?"

"Never in a million years," I laughed. I got my binder out of my backpack.

"Ok I need to go back, but I'll fill you in later!"

I walked back out and into the living room, but when I did I noticed Shawn was texting someone.

I wasn't going to look, but when I glanced at his screen I saw something that made me almost shit myself.


Over his shoulder, I read what he was sending.

made it into boomer's house. I'm observing everything I can. I'll keep you updated.

I took in a sharp breath of air, which caused him to turn around. He fiddled with his phone to turn it off, but it was too late.

"Get out of my house," I demanded. I was furious. My fists and jaw clenched and I couldn't control my anger.

"Wait boo- Skylar! It's not what you think!"

"I don't know how you know that, but I want you out of my house, now."

"I can explain! I-"

But I will never get to know what he was about to say, because I upper cut him straight in the jaw.

"Out, now!" I roared.

He didn't do anything besides just stare at me baffled.

What doesn't he get? All he is doing now is making me madder. I reached into my hoodie pocket and got out my gun, cocked it and pointed it at him. Tears rolled off my checks but I wiped them away hoping he didn't see.


This time it seemed to register to him that I didn't want to hear what he was going to say, and he scrambled to gather his things and run out.

"And you can tell your friend to fuck off!" I slammed the door behind him, severely shaken up.

I really like this chapter

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