19 // vegas

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Shawn's POV

"Hey, hey wake up. We're here," I gently shook Mia's shoulder.

Her eyes fluttered open, quickly squinting one to help adjust to the light.

"Already? How long was I out?" She examined the building in front of us.

"About 30 minutes. I had to drive for a bit to find a casino, and I managed to find the shadiest one in all the land," I chuckled at my own joke. I knew she didn't sleep the night before, so I tried to let her get some beauty rest.


We gathered all of our things, throwing what we had gotten out of our bags back in them and searching for other stuff we might need.


"Ready." She said while shutting the car door behind her. "Do we have fake ID's?"

"Right here," I handed her the small card with her picture on it. She examined it.

"Would it have killed y'all to make me 21?" She pouted.

"We didn't want them too look too suspicious."

"It's fine. I've never gotten alcohol legally before, why start now," she laughed and threw her back pack over her shoulders, walking in.

It took me a second to realize I was still standing there with my eyebrows raised before snapping out of it and following her. Inside of the joint reeked of tobacco and beer, which didn't seam to phase Mia one bit. I on the other hand was put into a coughing fit. Mia looked over at me and laughed before walking up to the counter.

"Hello, I would like to book a room for two," She said politely.

"Name?" The man said, sounding bored.

"Mia Harrison."

"ID please." He held out a hand with out looking up.

"Of course," she smiled while getting into her bag, handing him the card I had given her moments before.

"Uh, ma'am you need to be 21 to rent a room here. This says that you are only 19." He handed it back, laughing to himself.

Mia shot me a look of told you so before scanning her eyes around the room. Behind us were casino machines, poker tables, and a small doorway with the words "fancy ladies" on it. She squinted at the words, flashed an evil grin, and turned back to the man.

"Sir, are you aware prostitution is illegal in the state of Nevada? Last time I checked, were in Nevada."

The mans eyes grew wide in shock as he looked at her in terror.

"I certainly will have to double check though, do you mind if I make a quick call?" She gestured towards the door, starting to walk away before the man stopped her.

"ALRIGHT! Alright fine, you win. What do you want," He huffed.

"I am so glad you asked," she smiled devilishly. She was a natural at this. "You finest sweet. Oh, and add free room service. We would also like to have access to your private bar, I'm sure you've got one around here."

She paused before turning and whispering to me. "Would you like a freebie?"

"A fr- what?"

She nudged her head to where we were looking earlier, to the "fancy ladies."

"What? No!" I yell whispered back.

"Sorry, I just didn't know if you were into that kind of thing," she shrugged innocently, but I could see her grin right through the act.

"That is all," She said to the man. He let out a long sigh and handed her a key. "Room 420."

"You're kidding," she snorted.

"Wish I was, sweetheart."

Mia took the key from him and examined it, making sure it was real. "Pleasure doing business with you. We'll be out of your hair in a few days time."

She shot me a look before starting walking and I picked up my bag, following after her.

"I want to say I'm mad for almost getting me a hooker, but I can't help but say I'm impressed." I told her as we trudged up the staircase.

"Thanks," she giggled. "I've learned a thing or two over the years."

When we got to our room, she put the metal key in the lock and twisted it open.

Inside was a completely new feel. The room was pristine, super clean. It even smelled different the second you walked in. It was like a whole house. Never before had I seen anything like it.

"Don't judge a book by its cover," she sat her backpack down on the bed. "Home sweet home."


We settled in for a few hours, and by that I mean run around looking at all the cool things this place had to offer. Who knew rich people actually use a giant, heart shaped bath tub. I thought that was only in the movies.

It was starting to get dark, and I still had a few errands to run.

"Stay here, I mean it. Don't leave this hotel, and don't loose all our money downstairs. I'll be back in about an hour." I told her whilst putting my jean jacket on.

"Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about. I'm going to crash here, I'm exhausted."

She flashed a smile, and I swear I felt my knees go weak, but I brushed it off. I can't fall for her, I can't. It's one of the top rules bullseye has.

I grabbed my bag and headed out, getting one last glance of her before I shut and locked the door.

Sorry this chapter is kinda boring but I promise next one is going to be exciting! Can you smell the drama? Cause I sure can 🌚

anyway, toodles

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