15 // disguises

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The next morning we were awoken by Judy, turning the lights on in our room and telling us we needed to be ready in 15 minutes.

"Well, you heard her," I told Riley and she climbed out of bed.

"I just want to sleep," she pouted. My bare feet hit the cold cement floor as got untangled from the covers.

I got out one of her outfits we had packed and gave it to her as I found one for me to wear.

We got dressed with enough time left for me to French braid her hair. I only threw mine up into a messy bun because I couldn't be bothered to care.

Right on cue, Judy came back into our room just as we got done.

"Perfect," she smiled. "Follow me, we have a big day ahead of us."

Judy lead us to a big room, where Shawn, Bullseye, and another woman were standing. Inside was a few desks with mirrors on the back and hair equipment on them. They all seemed to be talking, but as soon as they saw us they got quiet.

"Well, Skylar, Riley, this is Allison. She is our hair dresser and head of the disguise department."

"Hi," I shyly smiled at her. Disguise department? What were they up to?

I noticed out of the corner of my eye Shawn staring me down, but I chose to ignore it.

"As phase one of getting you to safety, we are going to have to change your identity. We've done this with the rest of our clients, and they have all gotten safely away," Bullseye explained.

"How will you disguise us?" I asked.

"Riley isn't in any danger, so we will only cut her hair, just to be safe. You on the other hand, we are going to do multiple things. We are probably going to dye your hair a darker color and maybe even cut it." I felt like this was the makeover episode of America's Next Top Model, but not one that I wanted to be apart of.

I nodded, but I didn't want to agree with this. My blonde hair has been apart of me since I was born, and I've been growing it out since I was in 7th grade.

Allison sat me down at a desk and began to work. Bullseye, Judy and Shawn left, lord knows where, and it was just us.

She brought out a spray bottle and began wetting my hair. I stared into the mirror, observing and appreciating its length and color before it was taken away.

"I've never been to a hair salon," I told Allison, mainly just thinking out loud.

"Really? Well it is pretty much something like this." She gestured around us.

"Interesting." I said and got back to thinking. However, I didn't get very deep in thought before Allison interrupted me again.

"What is your story?"

The question took me aback. I thought everyone here knew about all the "clients" they take care of. Their background, reason they are in, all of it. It seams like they only know the names.

"Well, I used to work at the bar Bullseye works at. My parents did too, and I practically grew up there."

"So you just wanted to get away from that?"

"Yeah, I suppose you could say that," I said.

I decided from that point on if no one knew my past, then I'm not going to tell them the full story. How can I expect to move on if I'm stuck in the past? I don't want to relive the horrors I've been through every five seconds.

She got a paddle brush out of the basket on the table and began to detangle my hair, starting from the bottom and working up.

"You have gorgeous hair!"

Then don't cut it. "Thank you! I've been growing it out for years."

"I think what I am going to do is donate it. Some little girl will be very happy to have it." She explained while brushing through it.

She switched over to a comb and a ruler, and started to measure it.

"15 inches will make it just above your shoulders, how 'bout that?" Allison bent a section to show where it would lay.

I've never really fooled with my hair, and I've always just accepted that it's long. But looking at it now, I was actually starting to like it this short. It suited my face.

A small smile tugged at the edges of my lips and I nodded. Maybe this whole makeover won't be so bad after all.

She tied my hair into two pigtails, careful to make sure they were the correct lengths.

I watched in the mirror as she took her scissors to my golden locks, and I silently said a farewell to them.


Nearly two hours later, my hair had been cut and dyed. We decided on a black, simply because it was the easiest to get the color in and last the longest.

I hadn't seen myself yet, and I was a bit nervous to. What if i didn't like it? Well I suppose it didn't matter, I wasn't going to dwell on it.

I observed from the hooded hair dryer as Allison started on Riley, unweaving the braid I had done earlier.

Little did I know that that would be the last braid I would ever do in her hair again.


How's that for an ominous ending 🌚

Sorry I️ haven't been updating like I usually do, I've been really busy
(And by busy I mean I've watched the first 3 seasons of supernatural in like 2 weeks.... I've got issues lol)

But I'm so proud of shawn for winning 3 awards at the EMAs tonight fbsnjqkjzna words cannot describe the love I have for him

Well that is all I have lol. Hopefully I will be updating more often soon

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