chapter 3 (why)

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i woke around 1 pm, due to the fact, that i was up all night making eye contact with jahseh. i got up an check on kirk to make make sure he was okay. i couldn't find him anywhere, so i began to panic. i looked outside for kirk but i still couldn't find him. "where the hell could he be." i said while walking back into the house. I seen jahseh at the kitchen table , so i walk towards him.

"sorry to interrupt you know where kirk is ?" i said all nervously. it took him awhile to look at me and he just nod his head. "is it okay if i could ask where is he" i said trying not to make eye contact at him. he sigh an said "at school". i felt dumb af.. i forgot today was the last day of school before summer break.

"oh, thanks" i said while walking away. began to walk up stairs an take a shower. soon as i got out i had put on something random, because i didn't have any plans for today.

 soon as i got out i had put on something random, because i didn't have any plans for today

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(My outfit)

an hour later i heard kirk walking in, so i got up and walk downstairs "are you happy that today was your last day?" i said while walking towards him."yea, now i don't have to go to bed early anymore." kirk  said while jumping. "want me to fix you a quick snack?" i said while walking in the kitchen. "oouuu a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." he said while running to his room.

after i got finish fixing his sandwich i also got a capri sun, because i figure that he was thirsty. as i was about to walk up the stairs to give kirk his food, i notice jahseh was sitting on the steps. as i was walking up the steps, i was trying to not step on jahseh.  as i got by him, i didnt see his phone laying on the step. i accidentally step on his phone, causing me to slip a little. "sorry!" i said while handing him his phone. he just took his phone an sigh and went to his room.

hours later...

i got up an ask kirk did he wanted to odder pizza for tonight. i should have know he was gonna say yes. minutes later the pizza came, so i called kirk down. after me and kirk got out slices, it was  only 3 slices left. i realize jahseh didn't get any. i had to face my fear and walk up stairs to ask jahseh if he wanted pizza.   because he didn't eat anything today and plus the fact that i step on his phone.

i started thing..if jahseh really was hungry, wouldn't would of came downstairs. so i sat back down at the kitchen table eating my pizza. minutes later kirk came downstairs all tired and said "oh yea, you forgot to tell jahseh that the pizza came." "ohh...can you tell him" i ask all shyly. "are you scared of him" he said while laughing. "no, why would i be scared?" i fake laugh. "then you can tell him yourself then" he chuckled while going upstairs to his room.

i mumble "fuck it" under my breath and began to walk upstairs. i walk towards jahseh room and knock on his door. 30 seconds later jahseh swings open his door open, almost scaring  me. He looks up at me as he was standing at the door with a mad look on his face. "i didn't know if you was hungry or not so i left some pizza downstairs." i said with my head down, fiddling with my fingers.

"you don't like to look at people when you talk." jahseh said while looking at me. i was so shock when i heard jahseh speak a whole sentence for the first time. "no" i said while lifting up my head making eye contact. literally we was standing there making  eye contact for 3 minutes. i decide to go to my room.

minutes later... (11:42 pm)

jahseh came back upstairs eating the pizza i left him. he sat down on his bed facing my way, while on his phone.  after he was done looking on his phone, he got up an sigh loudly and then he close his door. For some reason I felt like Jahseh thinks I'm a creep.

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