Chapter 12 (hickey?)

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Did you really think this was a new chapter...well it's not💀 "nEvęR jUdG3 å 60Ok bY iT'5 c0V3r"


Soon as Jahseh walks pass the mirror, he quickly walked back and began to look at the hickey on his neck as if he don't remember getting it. After 7 minutes looking in the mirror, he looks over at me and seen the hickey on my neck.

He just squint his eyes at the hickey on my neck and then shook his head and went back upstairs. "Bruh what if he don't remember what had happen last night...he probably think i raped him or something" I said to myself.

As I was overthinking about what was Jahseh was probably thinking, Kirk came downstairs. "I have a taste for cereal, so no need to cook" he said while yawning. "Good cause I didn't feel like cooking anyways, want coco puffs?" I said while going towards the cabinet.

"Yea, I just love how it turns my milk into chocolate milk." He said with a smile. "For real? Same here" I said yelling like a child....cause I'm childish.  After I got finish making him his bowl of cereal, I put the box back in the cabinet and the milk back in the refrigerator.

9 minutes later...

Soon as I got finish washing kirk's bowl out (even tho his lazy ass could've washed it himself) I started to think about what had happened last night. I forgot that I left my phone charger on his dresser. Nice going dasiri !!

3 hours later...

I was trying not to use my phone so much, so it could last a little longer. "Once Jahseh gets in the shower, I'm gonna run in and get my charger and run out" I said while walking back and forth in the kitchen.

Once I heard the shower turn on, I quickly ran upstairs and waited 4 seconds after he got in the shower, to make sure he won't walk in to catch me in his room.

I walked quickly and quietly into his room looking for my charger. "Damn!" I said to myself, because my charger was gone. I started to look around hoping that I would see my charger and once I turned around I seen jahseh standing at the door with my charger in his hands.

"Ughh I-I-I thought you w-was in the shower" I said fast and nervous.  "Next time when you try and sneak out my room in the middle of the night, don't leave your charger hanging on my ceiling fan." He said with a straight face. 

Bitch wtf! Why would I leave my charger on his ceil- wait never mind, I forgot that me and jahseh was playing this game last night. "Ok and I thought you was in the shower, I hear the shower running" I said all confused.

"Kirk is in the shower" he also said with a straight face. I don't know how this nigga can talk with my a straight face.... my goofy ass would've been laughing. "Oh..." I said as it started to get silent.

I just stared to walk towards Jahseh and reach out for my charger. As I was grabbing my charger, Jahseh pulled me forward and whispered "next time don't just walk in my room". 

"Why you hiding condoms or something?" I said while snatching my charger out of his hands. He just stared at me with a blank face, I couldn't help it but to smile.

As we both was looking into each other's eyes, I started to realize that me and jahseh lips wasn't that far apart. I just went along with it and continue to look into his eyes. Once our lips touch, he pulled me closer as he shut his door.

As he laid me down on the bed, I started to realize something. Kirk is still in the shower🤦🏽‍♀️. "Oh shit, I forgot Kirk is still in the shower, let me get this boy before he drowns." I said while kindly pushing jahseh off.

Soon as I Knock on the bathroom door for Kirk to get out, I went downstairs to fix him a grill cheese sandwich for his dinner. After I was finish, I went back upstairs to see Kirk standing by his door with his arm fold. "What ?" I said while handing him his sandwich. "I know you like Jahseh" he said with a smirk on his face.

     Excuse my mistakes 😬

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