Chapter 8: Grace

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" goodmorning students , I am sorry to say and inform you that one of the staff members has passed away. Ms Windell " Principal Chance said with sorrow and sadness, after that students were murmuring and sad. My world went blank, and  I couldn't hear what he said next, but I honestly didn't care right now. Ms Windell was the only one that could guide us and help us defeat the anchronubis. We can't defeat it alone, we needed witch craft on our side, this fight was might as well over. But then I remembered Grace, Grace Windell. Her daughter. She could help us, we needed to track her down. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice people were going to class until Phoebe gave me a wet willie, I felt her saliva go deep in my ear
" ewwww ugh, gross " I yelled wiping my ear
" your welcome , ok let's get to first period " Phoebe said to Alex and Nikki who were all in the same period. Jess paused then looked at me
" what do students in Ms Windell's class do ?" Jess asked
" probably they have a substitute " Alex suggested
" and what are you young ladies not doing in class you are late " Mrs Smith said, she's a really grumpy old woman.
" Sorry Mrs Smith " Phoebe said leaving. We left and kept talking until we got to Ms Windell's class then Jess and I broke from the group. We walked into the class to see a slightly younger woman than Ms Windell , she had light brown eyes and long blonde hair that fell at the middle of her back.
" good morning, I am going to be your new teacher. You can call me Miss Samantha " she said once everyone was settled in, I was about to put in my headphones when she then said
" I have a letter for a Gina Santiago and a Jessica Duran " she said holding up a paper that said in Ms Windell's handwriting
To: Jessica Duran and Gina Santiago
From: Wendy Windell
The class whispered and murmured when they saw the name since it was from Ms Windell.
I stood up awkwardly and shook Jess because she already had fallen asleep , I had to shake her once then twice then she popped up. We walked in between desks and all we heard were stuff like
" why did our dead teacher decide to write them a letter "

" what's the letter "

" what was the purpose "
We grabbed the letter and awkwardly turned around and went back to our seats. I stuffed the letter back into my bag. I then put in my headphones and Jess fell asleep again and I received two notes
One from Derek to me and from Nathan to Jess.
I saw as Derek and Nathan, who sits next to Derek stuck their heads out to see if we had read it. Nathan mouthed to me " pass it to Jess" and so I did. I opened Derek's note and it read this
- hey so um, I know this is out of the blue but do you want to come with me to my party like a you know. A date 😊😊😁 - Derek 
The same butterflies came except times 10
I wrote back ...
- sure, I would love too😊😝💕
Then he looked at me with the widest grin on his face and he started to blush as well as I. Jess still hadn't read it so I had to smack her across the face a couple of times with the note then she woke up alert
" it's a note. From Nathan " I whispered squealed
" omg for real " she whispered back and looked at him to see him looking if she had read it yet. His green eyes full with curiosity. I watched how Jess's expression when from extra happy to unlimited happiness she turned to Nathan and mouthed , " yes " and I could see how he got really excited too. After that I put my headphones back in and Jess went back to sleep, after my 3 song and me dozing off to day dream until static overcame my music, lots of static. I cleaned out my headphones maybe it was dirty I thought, but then there was still static then I heard Ms Windell and she calmly said,
" do not be afraid my child. " then I jumped up from my desk and threw the headphones on the ground causing a disturbance in class, everyone looked up from there books and gasped
" Is everything ok miss Santiago " Miss Samantha said shocked
" oh um yeah I thought I saw a huge bug " I said bending down and picking up a bunched up piece of hair " you see just hair " I said nervously showing the class then hearing giggles and whispers. I put my headphones in and she talked again
" my dear child, don't make a scene, there's no time to explain but you must hurry quick read the letter and find my daughter. She already knows I have passed, my little Gracey, but you are her new coven , you shall help her my dear child , help me" she said calmly but mysteriously, then my music played again leaving me on a cliffhanger like every damn sentence with Ms Windell. No later then a couple more songs later the class was over and I stood up slowly still confused of the message. But , someone tapped on my shoulder snapping me out of it , it was Caleb, the boy who Alex had a crush on
" hey um, you are one of Alex's best friends right ? " he stammered
" yeah, why? " I asked
" can I have her number? " he asked subtly. Revenge is mine, I said in my head and maniacally laughed.
" oh sure it's 3056075114" I said  writing it on a piece of paper, I am so devious I thought to myself.
" great thanks" he said with a face of triumph
" no problem" I said giggling under my breath
He walked out with Derek and Nathan and they all looked like they won the lottery. I woke Jess up and we left the room. We walked down the hall where Nikki, Phoebe, and Alex were waiting for us.
" did you guys get a letter too? " Alex asked curiously
" yep " Jess said pulling it out of my bag and opening it to read it aloud. Phoebe put her hand covering the paper , " maybe we should do this somewhere else privately " she said worried someone would catch us
" oh yea that's a good idea " Jess said rushing towards the bathroom.
" is anyone in here? " Alex said loudly
Nobody answered.
" ok we are alone take out the letter " I said to Jess rushing her. She slipped it out and cleared her throat to read aloud --
" Dear Gina and Jessica , my dear girls. The anchronubis is no thing to joke around with, all of my ancestors covens were not able to defeat this demon alone. But you , you girls , all of you are the saviors, you are the ones to end this fight. You must find my daughter Grace, she is bearing with child , so you must not put her in danger as the baby is also a very powerful witch. You need a powerful substance , 5 crucifixes to form a pentagram, chalk, and a silver athamae. The ingredients to the substance are in the letter for Phoebe, Alexia, and Nicole. My dear girls I wish you luck, follow the rules I have given. - Wendy "
Alex was shuffling through her bag to find the letter then she pulled it out. This time she read aloud --
" dear Phoebe, Alexia, and Nicole, these are herbs and ingredients for a powerful substance to defeat the anchronubis. Now as I said in the letter to Jessica and Gina, this is not a thing to play with, you will need to make this substance with help of my daughter Grace . You will get more information from the letter of Gina and Jessica.
- snake tung
- pigs feet
- frog heart
- ginger
- each and one of your blood
- burnock root
- tarantula eyes ( has to be a tarantula )
- 8 apple seeds
- Crow liver
- maple leaves
- part of Eliza Windell's hanging rope
I wish you luck, find Grace and she will help find these items. - Wendy "
We were more shocked at the ingredients then ever.
" what the hell is burnock root? " I asked confused
" and where are we going to find pigs feet and -" Phoebe paused to gag " and frog heart" She finished her sentence disgusted.
" we need to find grace " Jess said
" at what time ? " Nikki asked. Jess gave her a look and Nikki smiled.
" no we are definitely NOT going to do that " Phoebe said crossing her arms across her chest
" Ditching class " Alex said understanding what Phoebe was so worked up about
" Come on Phoebes, we have to, for our lives " Jess said trying to persuade her, luckily it worked. Alex looked out the bathroom to see Mrs Faith , that old prune, in the hallways checking to see everyone got in class.
" ugh oh no, Mrs Faith is out there " Alex whispered screamed. She looked back out and Mrs Faith had walked the opposite side of the doorway.
" wait here's our chance , we have to run if we don't want to get in trouble " she said " we up for it? " she asked. But Jess was already dashing out the door.
" hey wait up " I whisper screamed and we ran so fast and giggled. I mean it's not the first time we ditched but, we still would've gotten in so much trouble, that's how it goes down in Lincoln High. We were midway out the quad when we saw another hall monitor, his back to us, so we jumped to the side avoiding him completely . When he turned his back to us we tip-toed our way out of there. We were free. We jumped into Alex's car and drove to the nearest Coffee Bean. We stopped and took out the letters when the radio automatically turned on, without one of us slightly touching it, and there was that same static,
" what's going on? turn it off Alex " I said
" I'm trying it won't shut up " Alex said calmly pressing the button at first then to full on hitting it. Suddenly numbers and letters started being said , by ms Windell
" NYADA New York , New York. Art school. 3303 SW Central Park " she said calmly
" that's where you will find grace " she said then the radio finally turned off.
" she went off too fast, that was our only message " Alex said with a sound of failure in her voice
" I don't think so " Phoebe said excitedly
" why are you so bubbly that was our only chance to finding grace and defeating the anchronubis and saving our lives " Alex said almost crying
" I don't think so, because I wrote it down " Phoebe said holding up a note pad with the address giving hope to Alex again
" omg you just saved us " Alex said excitedly. She turned the ignition and started the car, we were going to find Grace. We took the 45 minute drive to the college. All we saw were college students everywhere, walking and talking like adults. Then we saw this beautiful girl with curly light blue / lavender hair and light blue eyes, her features resembled Ms Windells from the blue eyes down to the nose.
I stepped out of the car and walked straight to her, nervously and awkwardly.
" hi um, Grace. I'm Gina Santiago. Your mom sent me. My friends and I need your help " I said. Grace's face lit up with delight.
" your her" she said excitedly
" um who ? " I asked confused
" you and your friends are finally going to defeat the anchronubis" she said holding my hand - " follow me " she said guiding me toward the car. I awkwardly followed her.
She stepped in and said to Phoebe, Nikki, Alex, and Jess,
" I'm Grace. My mom already told me what to do, I still can't believe we are finally going to kill the Anchronubis. He has tormented witches every Halloween, Witching Day. He would kill innocent people, unless we surrendered and let him take every single Windell of my family tree to hell. That's all he's ever wanted after my ancestors accidentally conjured him when they were practicing magic" she said excitedly, she reminded me of Phoebe a bit. " but you, you guys are the saviors that my aunt, had a premonition of. " she said looking at all of us.
" oh cool, we are saviors " Phoebe said excitedly giving herself a pat on the back and giggling.
" so where are we off too. " Alex said turning on the car again
" It's called , " Rita's Crystals " on Prescott Street, my aunt owns it, she has ever ingredient on the list except the four crucifixes, you guys are supposed to have it. And the chalk, it's a special type that she doesn't have " Grace said.
Alex started up
" I think I have the chalk" Nikki said bringing all eyes on her " when I was in New Orleans , there was this other crystal shop , and there was this chalk, and I thought it looked cool so I bought it. It's still in my room " she said remembering where it was
" great. How did it look " Grace asked to make sure she bought the right one
" oh um, dark blue and it draws light blue powder" Nikki said specifying the chalk
" that's aphrodites chalk. That's the correct one" Grace said eliminating one item. She looked down at my necklace that I always wear, the silver cross that hurt the anchronubis
" that's one of the silver crucifixes , do you have four more Gina ? " Grace asked me curious
" nope " I said sadly
" but my abuela gave my brothers, Scott and Jake, and I each a silver crucifix. So I chipped in three more " Phoebe said happily that she chipped in.
" Great, so we have 4 down one to go, Jess or Alex do you have one ? " grace asked verifying who had the last one
" I do, I got it when I was 6 years old " Jess said raising her hand.
" ok we have the chalk, and crucifixes. Now we need the ingredients from Auntie Rita. " Grace said clapping excitedly. We all spent the 30 minute ride to the crystal shop talking and laughing at cheesy jokes. Then we finally arrived, at Rita's Crystals , it looked like a corner shop. There were two levels, the first one the actual shop the second one , Rita's bedroom and readings area. We parked and walked across the street to the old looking place that smelled a mix of smoke, must, and candles. The place was dark, the only light lit by candles,
" ahhhh Grace honey " a woman around the same age as Ms Windell came and hugged Grace. She looked a lot like Ms Windell but ms Windell had light brown hair and light blue eyes while this woman had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. This must be Rita I thought.
" oh hello Auntie Rita, how have you been " Grace said hugging her back.
" Good darling, I contacted your mother and she-- " Rita paused looking at Phoebe, Jess, Nikki, Alex , and I behind Grace
" The saviors " she said shocked
" yes this is them in flesh, that's why we are here auntie , we need your help " Grace said looking at her surprised aunt
" oh yes , come come follow me " She said making a hand movement to follow her walking up the stairs. We walked up the stairs , which creaked with every step. I was last so I looked below every type of witchcraft candle, crystal, book, tarot cards, statues, meditation stuff, etc.
" hurry up " Phoebe said rushing me. I snapped back to reality and went my way upstairs to the reading room. It was lit by one big candle which illuminated the room perfectly. There was a cliche crystal ball in the middle of a table. The table had a old magenta tablecloth with design, it was in the middle of the room and it not only held the crystal ball it help tarot cards and the same copy of Ms Windell's " The Grimoire ". We introduced ourselves to Rita and she did the same.
" are you ready dearys " Rita said to us
" ready for what ? " Alex asked
" Ready to defeat an ancient evil that has haunted us witches and the people of Brooklyn ? " Grace said with the same tone of voice as Rita.
We all looked at each other and answered in unison,
" yes "
A/N: Hello readers, hope you enjoyed today's chapter. It was fun to make like every chapter also , thank you for getting me up to already 145 reads, I know it may not be much to some of you but it is to me after publishing this story in less then a week😁😁😁😁😱😱😱🤗😝
So again thank you readers. Also don't forget to read Unicorn Island by Glorishort!!! Make sure to follow her and me @Glorishort and @DjBeauty10
Till next time readers, byeeeeee🤗🤗🤗❤️✌🏼 also don't forget to comment and vote on each chapter 😁😁🤗

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