Chapter 9 : " Rita, is that you ? "

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* POV= Point Of View for those who do not know*
" yes " ...
After we answered Rita went in the closet in the corner and took out a rusty, old , wooden box with some language engraved. She opened it up and there was a paper that read
" for the saviors. The things needed to defeat the anchronubis once and for all. These are the only jars and it's rare to find these anywhere else so use them correctly and wisely - Eliza Windell " Rita opened the box and her eyes glitched a little , like they turned pitch black then when she blinked they turned back to normal, nobody noticed but me because they were too amazed by the box below. But I couldn't help but feel, I don't know but, something just wasn't right, the same feeling I got the night I was attacked by the Anchronubis. Rita kept doing this weird cracking thing with her neck and looking at me, she smiled a smile no human can ever smile. She smelled the air and said
" oh why, you girls smell delicious " she said coming closer to us breaking the amazement of the box. She grabbed two of the rare jars and threw it on the ground, immediately breaking it
" no! WHAT ARE YOU DOING " Nikki yelled angry and shocked that we just lost two jars that could save our lives.
" oh so sorry dears, but I can't let you have these " She said cracking her neck again, and moving closer and closer to us. She grabbed the athamae and threw it forcefully, puncturing Alex in the stomach making her drop down. Phoebe shrieked so loud, reality went blank for me, I was seeing my best friend die in front of my feet. Nikki , Jess and Phoebe rushed to her comforting her, as she was breathing her last breaths, they started sobbing. I was frozen, couldn't breathe or move again. The athamae was brought out of her stomach, by a invisible force, letting a gush of blood spill out. The athamae flew across the room back to Rita's hands. Suddenly it hit me, that wasn't Rita. Grace pulled me behind her trying to shield me, from her back I yelled
" Rita , is that you ? "
Suddenly, she started cracking her bones and screaming , transforming into something else. It was the anchronubis all along, pretending to be Rita. His claws grappled the athamae and he licked all the blood off, savoring it. He threw it again missing Grace and I by an inch, grazing her softly on the arm but still slicing a bit. It landed in the wall behind us. I ran there to grab the athamae , but the powerful wings of the anchronubis brought him there faster, he  threw me across the room, and I landed to get the wind knocked out of me, it was hard to breathe and stay awake. It was all like a bad dream, I looked over to Alex who was cold and not breathing anymore, and my friends sobbing holding her. I saw Grace being knocked down as well , her arm bleeding. I stood up quietly, everything was going on, but in my brain it was silent. The anchronubis had knocked down the table smashing the crystal ball and the jars. I grabbed my silver necklace and lunged at him burning him, making him shriek and drop the athamae. Grace stood up and grabbed it quickly stabbing his arm and ripping a piece of his flesh off, he cursed in a demonic language again and roared. Then in a matter of seconds later he disappeared again, then the noise came back. The sounds of my friends shouting and crying. I fell down next to them holding onto Phoebe by her side and I started to cry, I held Alex's hand, which was now cold and limp.
" she has no pulse " Nikki said between sobs. Grace hurried to us and started to cry a bit, then she had a face of idea. She ran out of the room.
Grace's POV:
I saw Alex dead and Gina, Nikki, Phoebe, and Jess surrounding her. They were my friends. I felt like I had let down my mother and the Windell line, then I remembered Auntie Rita's book of spells. She used to teach me when I was a little girl when I came to the shop, it was always kept in her nightstand but it had a cloaking spell. Which I remembered. I ran out as fast as I could, I knew how to save the bottles and Alex. My arm was still bleeding but I didn't care, I broke open the locked door and went to her nightstand, I said the cloaking spell and the drawer opened releasing a large greenish book. I was about to grab it when I heard muffled screams and cries for help coming from the closet. I walked towards there cautiously, and opened the door slightly revealing the real Auntie Rita who was tucked away in the corner with tape around her mouth, so she couldn't say any spells, legs and arms. She had tear marks around her face, once I found her, her face was relieved I was there. I lifted her up and ripped off the tape giving her some discomfort. She hugged me tightly , and she smelled like the real Rita, when I hugged the anchronubis that Rita smelled different but I brushed it off.
" I heard everything. Come child come grab the book " Auntie Rita said knowing that we got attacked. I grabbed the book, lighter then I remembered. I tucked under my arm and ran to the readings room,
" my dears, I am sorry. The demon got me and stuffed me into the closet shape shifting to me, I am the real Rita. I can help your friend " Rita said grabbing hold of Gina's hand who slid out of the grab. She looked at me to make sure that was auntie and I gave a look back.
Back to Gina's POV:
The real Rita came in the room and told us she could save Alex. We backed away from the limp body and went over to Grace, praying that Rita could save her and the jars, but Alex was more important. Grace handed her some type of book and Rita opened up to a page and said the chant. While she said the words over and over the blood started to suck back into Alex's body , like a vacuum sucking up dirt. Then the slice so deep returned to be just skin. After a couple of minutes of us worrying Alex's eyes started to flutter, then she sat up too fast and started to cough harshly.
" ALEX " Jess, Phoebe, Nikki, Grace, and I said jumping on her and hugging her.
" what's going on and why do I have such a migraine " Alex said confused and groggily. We looked at one another not knowing how to tell her she just died.
" you don't want to know " Grace said giggling. Alex was still confused but she brushed it off and her eyes darted over to the broken jars. She was alert and stood up
" Oh no. What happened to the jars !! " she said shocked. The jars. We completely forgot about the jars. The chant didn't work with the jars, and this was the time we all just gave up, then a gush of wind passed through and Grace looked up and smiled " mom " she whispered.
The jars started building up again and the spilled content went back in, looking completely new again. The table was brought back up and the jars were placed in the box gently. The table looked like nothing ever happened. The cold draft disappeared near after and we were still shocked. A few minutes passed and then Nikki finally broke the silence
" so your saying that was Ms Windell ? " she said shocked.
" that is the beauty of witchcraft dears " Rita said smiling until she looked over to Graces bloody arm, " oh dear we need to bandage that up " she said guiding her downstairs. Alex, Nikki , Phoebe, and Jess walked out talking. Jess , Phoebe, and Nikki could not stop hugging her tightly
" seriously guys what happened ? " Alex asked. The answer she got were some giggles and more hugs. I stayed behind looking around the room still a little shaken up. I looked down and saw my necklace with some burn marks in it, I put it back on and walked out not wanting to be alone. I walked down the stairs to see Rita bandaging Grace. When she was finished Rita said , " shall we go up and make the potion " she said smiling
" yeah " we said I stayed behind with Alex as we went up when she got a text, that was my cue to giggle mischievously and walk away, it was Caleb.
Phone Key
C= Caleb
A= Alex
C: Hey um Alex, it's Caleb 👋🏼😁😋
Alex ran to me and said " I hate you " as she giggled
" payback " I said giggling as she nudged my side.
A: Oh hey. 🙃😉😝
C: so um, you know that party. Derek's, do you want to maybe come with me as my date??🙊🤔😊
A: I would love to😁😁😄
C: great so um, great😝😝😝As you know it's in a couple of days on the 31. So Derek , Nathan, Drew, Eric, and I will pick you guys up😋😋😋😉
A: great cool thx. But um why Drew and Eric ? ✌🏼🤷‍♀️🤔
C: oh well, they haven't asked out Nikki or Phoebe yet??
A: nooo😱😱do they like them
C: I've said too much 😁😂🤷‍♀️
A: 😂😂😂
We went upstairs and Rita brought out each jar filled with the ingredients
" Grace dear pass me the bowl " she said pointing her index finger toward the closet corner. Grace made her way toward the closet to pull out a huge bowl that looked like it as made by a caveman. She set it down on the table pushing the crystal ball to the side. She pulled a piece of paper from the box that specified how much to put. She grabbed the athamae and gave it to me,
" prick your finger, this requires each and every one of your blood. " Rita said telling us what to do. I grabbed it in one hand and held the left hand out. I put out my index finger and stabbed the skin a bit, immediately making some blood spill , I aimed it in the bowl and my blood splattered in. I passed it to Jess and she did the same, we went on until we made a full circle. She opened the jar with pigs feet and tarantula eyes, making the room smell rancid. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it up to my nose , as did Nikki, Jess, Phoebe, and Alex. Rita let the pigs feet slip and plop in. She closed the empty jar to use for later potions. She dropped eight of the eyes, which looked like caviar in, making Jess and Phoebe gag. Rita and Grace started to giggle
" You guys are not used to this " she said nodding her head from side to side and giggled.
Rita put on her reading glasses and read aloud
- burnock root
- snake tung
-frog heart
- 8 apple seeds
- crow liver
- maple leaves
- Eliza's hanging rope
She then went to another room and came back with a shard of a rope
" this was the hanging rope of Eliza Windell, the first witch born in the line. She was hung and her coven kept the rope to give to us, ever Windell has kept a piece for protection " Rita said explaining the back story she dropped it in the bowl
" I have more in my bedroom " she said confirming she wasn't putting her protection in a potion. She grabbed another jar with a weird like root that looked like bark from a tree mixed with broccoli. She put in a couple of it and it started to bubble up. When she placed the 8 apple seeds she yelled go back up and counted down , " 5,4,3,2, " right before she said one there was a mild explosion but still hard enough to knock a person down.
" Burnock root, apple seeds, and tarantula eyes don't mix, causing an explosion" Grace said coughing because of the smoke. Rita added in the frog heart making us gag even more then pigs feet and making them giggle even more at our expense. When she added crow liver and ginger everything somehow melted and was easier to mix together. She added the snake tung and maple leaves making the substance instantly a dark green/ black color. She grabbed one of the tiny glass bottles in the box and poured the substance in there filling up the clear bottle. She held up the bottle for all of us to see, we were amazed.
" now we have to practice if we want to destroy him and send him back to hell once and for all, we need some sort of distraction when you draw the pentagram with the chalk and set down the 5 crucifixes in each point. " Grace said grabbing the bottle
" you need to withstand anything he throws at you, Eliza's rope will help protect you but it won't protect you from EVERYTHING, it's not a bubble, that's not how magic works " Rita said warningly and intelligently.
" we will practice from today until Halloween, blood, sweat, tears , weather, nothing can stop us " Phoebe said confidently
" yeah, we are the saviors aren't we ? " I said
" Yeah we are the saviors " Alex said proud.
A/N: Hello readers, hope you liked today's chapter. Sorry it was published a little later . It was fun to make like always!!! Leave a comment, vote , and follow me @DjBeauty10
And check out Unicorn Island by Glorishort and follow her too😝😊😊😊😊❤️
Till next time readers, byeeeee✌🏼😋

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