Chapter 3: " Are we going insane, or are we going to die?"

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I couldn't move anything. I'm trapped...

There was creaking up and down my stairs , someone or something was in my house. Suddenly reality went pitch black. I blinked once , then twice , then three times. I was trying with all my might to scream and call for help but nobody heard me, I tried to kick and punch and move my arms and legs but all I could do was shoot a little movement from my pinkie. Then there it was. It was at the foot of my bed, slowly but swiftly crawling closer and closer toward me, I felt I screamed my lungs out, but a whisper only came out. This creature was very tall, it's arms so long it touched the ground , its claws so sharp it made a machete look fake, its teeth so carnivorous it could kill a Tyrannosaurus rex with one bite. It crawled onto my bed its hands pressed on my skin, burning my flesh , I screamed so loud and I cried so hard, but it looked like I was sleeping. It sat on my chest weighing down as if there were 9 tons of bricks breaking into me, it was digging deeper and deeper trying to get inside of me, suddenly it let out a blood curdling, spine tingling, heart wrenching shriek so loud all the dogs in the neighborhood were barking. It had slipped across my silver cross necklace that I've had and worn since I was a baby. It was angry and cursed in a demonic language, it's sharp claws punctured my arm as the creature scratched me leaving a sharp and bloody streak. In a matter of seconds the creature was gone and I could move and breathe again. I couldn't help but cry and scream and cry and scream and hold Poptarts, I just witnessed hell and fear itself, that could've been the last time I would ever sleep or see my friends or my mom. Questions soared through my mind

" why me ? "

" what the hell was that ? "

" am I going insane "
I turned on my lamp and quickly ran to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. I bandaged my arm then went to my bay window with Poptarts , my phone , my cross , and blanket and I didn't fall asleep the rest of the night.

 I bandaged my arm then went to my bay window with Poptarts , my phone , my cross , and blanket and I didn't fall asleep the rest of the night

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Around 3 pm, I fixed up the courage to text them , I didn't want my best friends to think I had gone insane. My mom still hadn't come home because of the case. I still didn't know how to react , every little noise made me jump. Nikki, Alex, Phoebe, and Jess cane immediately after I sent the text because they knew something was wrong. I opened the door to be bombed with questions from my worried friends
" omg what's wrong ? "

" what happened to your arm ? "

" are you ok ? "

Once they stopped with the questions I saw they had been crying all of them, and there were bandages around their bodies as well,

" it happened to you too, didn't it ? You were attacked " I asked
They all stopped then we burst into tears, we were just huddled up together crying harder then I'd ever cried before.

They had experienced the same thing I had. After some time , I lost track of it, we ran out of tears. Nikki was the first one to break the silence

" are we going insane , are we going to die. " Phoebe said sniffling

That brought our attention , what was going on, what was that thing, and what was going to happen to us...

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