Chapter 2: Wrong

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After our conversation, Phoebe and I went to the nook, a forest|woods kind of location. That's my friends and I special place. We sat down on a large branch , large enough to hold our weight , and we just sat there. Breathing in the maple air, hearing the sounds of nature, feeling free . We texted Nikki, Alex, and Jess to join us. After 15 minutes they started to come.
I saw Alex running toward is, her caramel brown hair in a high ponytail blowing in the wind.
" hey guys-- why did you text us to come " Alex said in between pants from running here
" Nothing we just wanted to hang, and talk about Halloween " Phoebe said
" oh, ok" Alex said sitting down in the middle of Phoebe and I.
" what are we gonna be, I was thinking sexy witches ?? " Alex said needing a light bulb floating above her head
" Sweet, I dig it " Jess said behind us startling us
" Omg don't do that " Alex said playfully pushing her
Jess giggled and sat down.
" I still can't believe we are going out for Halloween ! " Jess said excited
" I know right " Alex said. We all started squealing like little girls
" hey look, it's Nikki " I said
" what up " Nikki said
" nothing much , you excited ?" I asked
" hells yes, why shouldn't we be it's Halloween " Nikki said . We all awkwardly paused , they all looked at me with pity in their eyes
" oh crap, sorry G, I didn't mean it like that " Nikki said feeling guilty
" it's fine! At least I have you guys " I said trying to put a smile on my face
" oh cut it out G. We have been friends since the first week of kindergarten , we know your hurting , you don't always need to be brave for us " Jess said scooting toward me and wrapping her arm on my shoulder
" thanks" I said. We had a full on group hug then we started talking about Halloween and other stuff until it was getting dark.
" well, gotta go , parents gave me curfew " Alex said sighing
" Hey can you drive me home we are basically neighbors " Jess said
" Totally " Alex said
" Thanks , bye guys text ya tomorrow " Jess said waving goodbye as she walked away with Alex
" bye " Alex said
" Well, gotta go " I said standing up from where I was sitting
" hey you don't need a ride " Nikki asked
" nah it's fine , I can walk home. Plus you gotta take Phoebes " I said
" ok , bye see you tomorrow " Nikki said while Phoebe pulled her up because she was to lazy to sit up on her own.
I walked out of the path, all I could see was darkness and trees, darkness and trees all around me. I finally got out and took the 25 minute walk to my home. I was in the front steps of my house when I got a text message from my mom,
" hey baby, can't make it to house tonight have a urgent case that I need to do, you know what to do , feed Poptarts. Call me if you need anything , love you XOXO" - Birthgiver

I grabbed the key and opened the door and went inside of the house, it didn't feel normal there was something off, there was bad vibes as Alex would say. But I brushed it off and went to the kitchen to heat up some leftover Chinese and fed Poptarts. I sat down on the couch with Poptarts and started watching Bobs Burgers while eating my sweet and sour chicken and special rice. When I finished I washed my plate, turned off the tv, and went to bed with Poptarts. I had a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach , something was going to happen. I jumped in bed and texted my friends and mom goodnight , then I quickly went to sleep. Around 3:00 am in the morning Poptarts was acting up , she was barking and barking at the doorway, which she never does. I thought she just saw some lizard so I told her to shut up. The bad feeling didn't go away. It was as if I was awake, my brain was but my body was frozen , frozen of fear. I couldn't move anything I was trapped...

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