Part 0.6 Hell No

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I wake up to a light kiss on my shoulder and someone moving on my bed. I opened my eyes squinting and turned around to see Jake putting on his pants in the light from my window. I smiled a little at the sight and sat up rubbing my eyes. I stretched sighing and grabbed my phone looking at the time.

10:34 am.

I sat my phone down and took off the blanket that was laying on my lap. I put my feet on the floor, shivering a little and stood up. I looked at Jake and saw him standing there, watching me with a big smile on his face. I blushed a little and looked down then pushed him the the stairs.

"Go away I'm gonna change." I laughed a little as he walked up the stairs slouching. I smiled shaking my head and walked to my closet and changed

I walked to my vanity and put on a nude lipstick and walked upstairs with my laptop and stich blanket

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I walked to my vanity and put on a nude lipstick and walked upstairs with my laptop and stich blanket. I sat them on the couch and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed my mug that said 'Bitch' on it and made coffee and popcorn humming. I looked around, remembering it was Monday and that Lucy was at school and everyone else would be at work. I smiled and grabbed my coffee and popcorn walking back to the living room. I set them both on the coffee table, deciding to go pantless since no one else was home and looked for a few movies to watch. I set them all in a stack on the floor next to me then laid down covering up with my blanket. I turned on my computer sipping on my coffee and put in Mean Girls.

I ate my popcorn while watching, giggling at some parts. I want to take a sip of my coffee but got nothing when I tipped my cup. I sighed and paused the movie and got up walking to the kitchen, not hearing the front door open. I walked to the fridge with an empty glass and got some water before hearing someone whistle from behind me, making me jump. I turned around and looked at who it was, coming face to face with Mikey, Ademir, and Jake. I shook my head as Jake punched Ademir in the shoulder making me laugh. I walked past them back to the living room and put my leggings back on.

"I thought you guys were gonna be out all day?" I asked, mostly asking Jake. He shrugged grabbing a sour patch kid from the bag.

"We decided to come back for a bit. Hey, what are you doing on your computer?" He said pointing to the screen which had Regina George making out with Aaron Samuels as the Holloween party. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what three, 19 year old guys would think I'm watching. I showed them the case.

"Its called Mean Girls. Get your mind out of the gutter." I watched them scan their eyes over the case then nod shrugging. I smiled and laid down to continue my movie before hearing them start messing around in the kitchen. I sighed and looked at them before seeing Jake holding a Ouiga Board and my eyes went wide getting.

"HELL NO! NO NO NO! You get that gate for the damned out of here!" I took the board walking to the back door and threw it out.

"Its just a game Dani. We literally got it at Toys R Us. What harm can a board game do?" Jake said making me sigh looking at him.

"You're gonna fuck up everyone's lives with that shit Jake. Don't come running to me when it starts taking over your life." I then laid back down on the couch to continue my movie now pissed off.

I walked to the garage and grabbed my skateboard, walking to the street.

I started skateboarding up and down the street putting on my headphones, listening to random music that Jake got me into

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I started skateboarding up and down the street putting on my headphones, listening to random music that Jake got me into. I started thinking, leading me to getting sad, thinking about mom and what she looked like. I laid on my back on my skateboard, looking up at the night sky sighing, hoping that she was looking down at me.

I didn't notice someone had come out until I heard my name. I jumped a little and looked around, seeing Jake sitting next to me. I sighed and sat up on my skateboard, looking at the street.

"Need something?" I asked quietly, my voice a little shakey.

"You looked like you were thinking about something. Wanna talk about it?" He asked and actually sounded sincere. I sighed, sniffing a little, just needing to tell someone else about my mom.

"Well. I was um... Thinking about my mom. She died after giving birth to me. The doctors said before that it was impossible for her to have children yet, here I am. I blame myself for her death every day. If I wasn't born, she would still be alive. Fuck, I never got to tell her that I love her, or goodbye." I held my knees close sniffing as he pulled me close, "She died while she held me for the first time. She never got to see my first steps, my first word, my first anything. I've been to five therapists about this and none of them helped me. They all said to take anti-depressants and none of that shit works. I just hate th-" I then got cut off when he made me face him. He wiped my tears from my cheek and kissed me to shut me up which worked, because I was speechless and emotionless for the rest of the night.

//If you don't see any of the pictures in this chapter than please talk me because I don't know if they worked or not

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