Part 0.7 Okay

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It's been about a week since I've had a full conversation with Jake. I've just been trying to get out of the house when he's in it, stay in my room when he's not. I've been staying at my friend Lilly's house for the past few days and told her everything since she's my best friend. We even went and cut my hair short the other day. No one really knows about it though.

We both decided to go to seaside to check out hot guys to make me feel better about everything going on. We both got changed then skateboarded there since it would be faster.

 We both got changed then skateboarded there since it would be faster

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/Instead of the heels it's like burgundy converse/

We soon got to seaside and started walking around saying hi to people as we passed by. We found a place to sit and sat down, talking, while watching people pass by blushing every so often when guys would pass by and wink. I got up after a few minutes passed and walked to the bathroom since I forgot to go at her house before we left.

I soon came out fixing my sweatshirt and walked back to our spot to see none other than Ademir hitting on Lilly with Jake filming him, laughing. My eyes went wide when I saw Jake and I grabbed my skateboard looking down and started skating away, not wanting to be anywhere near him.

I was almost off the board walk before feeling a familiar hand grab mine and pull me back. I sighed and looked back, seeing him wearing his black ripped skinny jeans and his black Nirvana sweatshirt. His eyes, which now had a more blue, dewy look to them, were looking right at me with a glossed over look.

"Jake please just let me go." I said quietly, not wanting to talk about this.

"Please, just talk to me. You're like a best friend to me and, I don't want to lose you. Can we please just talk about what happened?" He looked into my eyes, his own filling with tears as well as mine at the sight.

I sniffed and got down and picked up my skateboard and walked off the boardwalk with him and to the underneath part, where I always used to play when I was little. I stood on one of the stumps and carefully sat on it. Jake did the same with the one across from me and I watched high tide come in smoothly beneath us. I smiled a little at all the memories I had here and laughed a little before looking at him. He was already looking at me, still having tears in his eyes.

"Jake, you're a really great guy. And I hate to admit it but, that kiss. It felt like the 4th of July times 24. But nothing can happen between us. My dad finally found a woman that he finally really loves and I don't want to fuck that up. Jake. You have to understand that." I said looking at him, trying to not tear up. He nodded wiping his eyes looking down.

"I still just don't want to lose you though. As a friend, you know?" He said more in a matter of fact tone. I nodded messing with my shoe lace. As much as I wanted to see something happen between us, I didn't because I knew my dad would get mad.

I looked down at the water and picked up a shell, trying to clean it, not knowing what else to say or do. So I looked up at Jake, watching him stand up and offer his hand to me. I smiled a little and rested my hand on his and he pulled me up and away from the high tide making me smile. I looked at him then wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his chest, never wanting to let go on him. I felt him wrap his arms around my body to pull me as close as possible. I smiled a wider, cheesier smile before hearing whistling from the board walk.

We both looked up seeing Lilly, Manfs, Ademir, Aaron, and few others that must've been Jakes friends. We both shook our heads and I heard Jake laugh. We walked back up to the board walk and to the group and saw Lilly on Ademirs back. I shook my head at her and sat on a bench. I watched Jake sit next to me with his camera out. He did his outro for his video then sat it down. I smiled and looked up at the night sky, watching as one star shines brighter than the others and smiled more. I then felt a hand slip into mine. I looked at him and smiled, his eyes being the most beautiful shade of blue-green I've ever seen. I leaned my head on his shoulder smiling and gently squeezed his hand. I felt him lay his head on mine and giggled a little, watching Ademir trying to teach Lilly how to back flip.

"I think they would be a good couple. I can see them being together." I said watching them and felt Jake nod and heard him giggle a little. His laugh is probably the best laugh I've ever heard. His smile is the best I've ever seen.

I looked at him.

His face, the best one I've seen even though I didn't want to admit it.

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