Part 1.3 Ocean

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Soon everyone was up and dressed and got breakfast in them.

I quickly swiped on some red lipstick and wings onto my face before we all walked out to Marinos truck

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I quickly swiped on some red lipstick and wings onto my face before we all walked out to Marinos truck. Jake, Ademir, and Mikey were forced to sit in the bed of the truck since it could only seat four. We were just going to seaside though so it wouldn't be a very long trip.

He parked the truck in the lot and we all got out, seeing Joe, Gavin, and Tornike from across the lot. We walked up to them smiling and we all greeted each other. We all walked up to the board walk and started walking down it, looking around.

We listened as Gold Digger by Kanye came on, playing loudly and I looked over at Lilly. She was already looking at me. We ran in front of everyone and started dancing to the song. It was the dance we did for our 8th grade talent show that we worked so hard on for 4 weeks straight but ended up in only 5th place behind Benny who could play Ode to Joy backwards on his trombone. When the song ended we faced to everyone, seeing the guys recording us as other people cheered. The crowd disappated but they left money with us. Our eyes went wide, our faces red and we walked back to the guys, stuffing the other people's pocket change into our own pockets.

"Jesus you remember a few dance moves from a talent show from 5 years ago and suddenly people are paying you." I laughed a little and we all kept walking. We walked up to a booth and bought a round each for Joe, Mikey, and Jake since they wanted to play.

Joe only hit one balloon, meaning he won nothing, Mikey hit two which got him a small stuffed polar bear, and Jake got three, meaning he got a regular sized stuffed dog. He walked back over to me, holding it up. I had to admit, it was a pretty cute stuffed animal. He gave it to me and I smiled and leaned up, pecking his lips. I held the dog close while we all kept walking.

I soon stopped to look out at the view of the waves crashing on the beach as the, almost cartoonish, blue sky with tuffs of white cotton candy clouds merged with the ocean. I smiled at the color, reminding me of Jakes eyes. I bit my lip at the thought of him and looked down at the perfect yellow beach sand, sighing quietly.

His eyes are my favorite part about him. The way they're blue one day but bright green the next. Then there's those days were you can't even tell if they're blue or green. You just have to guess. His eyes are as fun and exciting as he is. Mine are just brown. Same old brown that never changes, always stays the same. Boring and predictable.

Why does he even like me? He deserves someone prettier.

I sighed and run a hand through my hair, looking at the stuffed toy in my hands, running a nail around its soulless, black, button eyes. I soon feel as if theres presense next to me. I look over and see Jake. His eyes, tired yet full of life and energy. I smile a little leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You're stupid." I state simply to him.

"You're stupidier." He replies, sending chills down my spine, and warmth to my heart.

We soon get back to the house, it now being late, just me and Jake. We had all gone to Applebees to eat and fuck around before dropping everyone off at home. We both went up to his room, making sure to not squeak the wood panels on the floor.

Once we reached his room I jumped on the bed, it had the most comfortable one in the house and indulged my face into his pillow, taking in his scent. Just another thing I love about him. I felt him lay on me, putting all his weight on me, groaning. I turned my head looking out to the side smiling. He kissed my nose, making me scrunch it up. He then kissed my cheek, making me smile. He slowly made his way down to my neck, leaving light kisses all over. I slowly closed my eyes, squirming a little before I felt his big hands latch onto my hips, making me stop moving. I bit my lip as he allowed me to turn to face him and he instantly kissed me, having the same passion as this morning but it felt hungrier, needier. It was more lustful than just a random make-out session. It felt so good, so personal and so intense.

He felt so good.

The next morning I woke up, furrowed eyebrows because of the morning sun. I sighed a little opening my eyes and looked around.

Clothes were strewn about on the floor, the bedsheet was coming off, and we were both in a messy sleeping position but it worked. I blushed at the thought of last night and looked down, seeing I was just wearing his shirt that he had on yesterday. I gently turn around and saw he was still dead asleep, hair a mess. I smiled seeing him and gently pushed the hair out of his face. I felt his grip tighten around me and a small smile appeared on his beautiful face. I smiled and laid my head back on his chest and looked around.

Everything felt perfect.

Everything is perfect.

I smiled and reached over, grabbing my phone and checked the time. The clock changed to 10:00 am. I smiled, everyone being out either at school, at work, or with her boyfriend. I smiled and got up gently, putting on my underwear and covered him back up with the blanket. I kissed his nose then walked out, putting my hair up in a small ponytail and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I started making a fresh pot of coffee humming a little, getting out my "I give no fox" mug. I poured in the coffee and got the vanilla strawberry creamer out. I mixed a bit in before setting it back in the fridge and took a sip, smiling. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch turning on the tv to Friends which was on every morning.

Around half an hour and 2 cups of coffee later, I heard as heavy footsteps came closer down the steps. I looked over and saw Jake, shirtless and pantless, just wearing his boxers. His ocean blue eyes looked tired, calm yet full of excitment which excited me. I watched as he walked to me and leaned down and kissed my cheek. I smiled a bit and watched as he walked off to the kitchen.

"I made coffee if you wanted any." I said looking back to the tv. I heard a sleepy and quiet groan in response. The squeaky cupboard opened and close. Hearing the ceramic mug rest on the marble counter. The coffee pouring into the mug with satisfation. I heard as the dryer opened and closed then the pads of his feet gliding across the floor with ease. I looked up at him as he stood next to me. He was now wearing a pair of sweatpants, showing off the elastic of his boxers that lie underneath, leaving me curious even though I just saw what he was hiding earlier. He sat down beside me and pulled me into his side, wrapping his arms around me. I smiled wider and burrowed my head into his chest. I listened to his rhythmatic heartbeat as we watched Friends the entire morning, not saying anything, just enjoying each others presence and touch.

/Sorry this ones a bit shorter but yeah. I felt like quite a bit went on so I just stopped it. Also, I don't really write smut because to me, it makes me feel uncomfortable to write it since I'm really bad at it but it's whatever. Hope you enjoyed :)

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