❤️Chapter One❤️

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(Y/N)'s POV
I peer around the corner to make sure the path is clear. A creeper passes by and I duck behind the corner, pulling out my sword. I slay three groups of zombies and turn around to face a couple skeletons readying their bows.

"Look out!" Aiden calls down to me from atop a tree before jumping down to kill the skeletons. He tosses one over to Lukas with his sword and he delivers the final blow.

"Thanks," I say.

"Hey, (Y/N), check it out!" Gill says. I look over to see him surrounded by zombies. He sticks his sword out and spins around, killing each zombie as he comes to it. "Pretty cool, huh?" Another zombie creeps up behind him.

"Duck!" I tell him.

"Duck? Where?" He looks around—everywhere but where the zombie is. He's a great part of the team, but, gosh, he can be an idiot at times.

I run over to him and push him out of the way to get rid of the zombie.

"Oh. That," he says sheepishly.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Oh, please, you're all working way too hard," Maya says, leaning against a machine she built. She bumps it with her elbow and arrows fly out of it, puncturing the monsters.

"Always got to one-up us, don't you?" I hear a zombie come up behind me and stab it without turning around.

I walk up towards the temple—the one Ivor told us about. "That is a super cool temple."

"Yeah, points for Ivor, I guess," Lukas says. "This was a good tip."

"Well, are we going in or what?" Maya asks impatiently.

"Let's go get some treasure!" I say before running into the temple.

"Treasure!" the others cheer, following after me.

We enter an—from what's in view—empty room.

"So much for treasure," Aiden says disappointedly.

"Hey, you know how it goes. Nothing's ever just out in the open. We'll find something," I reassure. "Let's look around to see if we can find anything helpful."

Around the room on the walls, there are lava canals being held up by sticky pistons. Maybe getting the treasure has something to do with them. . . .

I flip the lever to the one on the right. The lava canals open. I do the same for the one in the middle. Its canals open, but the other ones close. The middle ones stay, so that was probably right. . . . I go back to the right canals and flip the lever again. The canals open and the middle canals stay open. Now we're making progress! I flick the last lever and those canals open. The middle of the floor opens, revealing a secret passageway.

"I think I would've been disappointed if the floor didn't open into a dark, creepy passageway," Gill says.

We descend the spiraling stairwell. I stay close to the wall, not being totally over my fear of heights. I'm getting a lot better, but it still sticks with me whenever I'm super high.

"This kind of reminds me when we found the Order's temple," Aiden says. "We were such a bunch of noobs back then." {I like how Petra originally said that but she wasn't even there when they found the Order's temple.}

"That was so long ago . . . ," I reminisce.

"And to think, that was only the beginning," Maya says.

"Yeah," Gill says. "That was before we'd fought the Witherstorms, hung out with endermen, reunited the Order. . . . So crazy."

We reach the bottom of the stairs. I look around and spot five chests. "Bingo!" I open the chest nearest me. "Cool, a cake!" I take out the cake.

"Aw, you got a cake? No fair!" Gill says. "I just . . . really like cake. . . ."

I laugh. "Okay, you guilt tripped me." I hand him the cake.

"Oh . . . my . . . gosh . . . thank you!"

I go back to my chest and continue looking through it. There's a pumpkin, not bad . . . and one more curious item—a glowing set of cyan-colored flint and steel.

"What's that?" Maya asks.

"What are you looking at?" Gill asks. "Whoa. That's super cool."

"I've never seen flint and steel like that . . . ," Lukas says.

"It looks like it has some kind of . . . enchantment or something," I say.

"I mean, I've seen Unbreaking enchantment on flint and steel . . . ," Aiden says, "but that's not Unbreaking."

"We could try it and find out," Lukas suggests.

I bend down to the ground and strike the flint and steel. It makes this weird, extraterrestrial-like light, but doesn't start a fire—which was presumed, since I'm not doing it on a very flammable area. "Whoa! I've never seen flint and steel do that before!"

"Uh-oh," Aiden says. I turn around to see a zombie—and more surrounding us.

"Let's get out of here," I say. We rush back to the stairs, fighting monsters that appear out of basically nowhere on the way. Lava takes out a couple of skeletons—along with the stairs. I jump over the hole, and my foot slips. Aiden catches me.

"Careful," he says, me blushing fiercely. That's right, after all this time, I still like him. A lot. And, after all this time, we still aren't together, and he doesn't even know I like him. I think.

I keep climbing until more lava burns another section—this time, a bigger section. Too big to jump over. Our only hope is the vine-covered wall. "Climb the vines!" I climb until a spider army crawls out of a hole in the wall.

"Cave spiders . . . ," Lukas groans. "Why'd it have to be cave spiders?" {That Indiana Jones reference though.}

"The only way to get out of here is to go through them," I say. "So, get ready!"

We clear out the spiders. By the time we finish, the opening at the top—our only way out—starts closing. I toss my sword up to use as a doorstop.

"I can't believe I just saw that!" Gill marvels. "That was amazing! Why is no one freaking out!"

"Freak out on the inside," Maya says. "We've got to move!"

We climb out and I pull out my sword before the cave spiders can get out.

"Seriously, though, (Y/N)," Aiden says, "that was awesome."

"Well, it must've been good if you're complimenting me on it," I tease.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just see how this flint and steel works," he says.

"What should I test it on?" I ask.

"What about that stump?" He points over at a tree stump.

I run over to the stump and light it. The flames—blue flames—climb high into the night—four blocks high.

"Still playing with fire, I see. I guess ones who don't grow up, never do grow up," a voice from behind me says. A voice that's all too familiar. . . .


Hey, everyone! I'm back, and so glad to be it! I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Also, you're welcome for the cliffhanger ; )
So, why release it today, June 29th? Well, if you didn't know, it's Aiden's birthday! Well, technically, it's Matthew Mercer's, but, like, same diff. So . . . HAPPY BURFDAY, AIDEN!!!
I can't find any more text arts, so I use emojis now ^-^
I say as I deliberately use a text emoticon.
Anyways . . . until next time!
Word count: 1,220

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