💕Chapter Eleven💕

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(Y/N)'s POV
"No! That's not true!" Shiner says to defend herself from Trinity's accusation.

"You don't have to lie to me, Shiner," Trinity says. "I know it was an accident. I know you're not the White Pumpkin."

"Ah, thank goodness. That's such a relief. Yeah, it was an accident. I've felt awful about it ever since. It's such a relief to talk about this. It's been absolutely tearing me up inside!"

Across the room is another painting, one with glowing yellow eyes that are . . . moving.

A sharp gasp escapes my mouth and I whip around to face the others. "The White Pumpkin!"

"In there?" Aiden asks.


"Then let's go kick their butt," Faith says, withdrawing her stone sword. I punch down the painting and we hop through.

"What on Earth!" Shiner cries.

I stalk up to the painting, but before I can go in for the attack, I hear the clunk of a lever and the back of the fireplace opens, distributing spiders from every angle. Fish {finding places to put in Fish is so harddd without Reuben being in the game}, who had settled near the fireplace, jumps up and hides behind me. A gate closes over the door, disabling any chance of escape.

"What's happening in there?" Lukas calls, banging on the door.

"The door's locked!" cries Jesse.

"Spiders . . . everywhere!" I shout.

"We'll find another way in!" says Lukas.

Everyone draws their swords, as do I, contemplating whether I should help my friends or go after the White Pumpkin.

You know what? You win this time, White Pumpkin. My friends are more important than you.

I slash the spiders that jump at me until they're all gone. And once they're gone . . . so is the White Pumpkin.

"They're only gone for now," I say. "We have to figure this mystery out." I'm all for a good murder mystery dinner party story, but that doesn't mean I actually want to live one! "Also—Shiner. I heard your conversation."

"What? No! I'm not the White Pumpkin; I swear!" she says. "What do I have to do to make you believe me? I could . . . I could go sit in the corner very quietly and not touch anything—button or otherwise—for the whole rest of the night."

"Shiner, don't worry; I believe you," I say.

"Oh, that's a relief. That is a huge relief," she says.

"Wait—you came out of that portrait in the wall, right?" Trinity asks.

"Yeah . . . ?" I say.

"I saw one just like that upstairs!" she says. "What if . . . Yes! Maybe the White Pumpkin—"

The lights go out. Trinity shrieks, and when they come back on, she's on the floor not two seconds before disappearing into a pile of her inventory. {Sorry, Trinity. ;(} Behind it stands the White Pumpkin, who sweeps Trinity's inventory into a hopper.

"Enjoying the party?" they ask. I brandish my sword at them and they say, "That's my cue," before running through the fireplace.

"Let's go!" I command the others. I run after the White Pumpkin, but before my friends can follow, pistons close the passage behind me. Why does this always happen to me?

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Aiden asks.

"We have to break through!" Ivor grunts out, trying but failing to smash the cobblestone. The White Pumpkin cackles.

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