💙Chapter Thirteen💙

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(Y/N)'s POV
Way too many portals. Way. Too. Many. Portals.

Bats. Water. Sheep. Squids. Snow. Fire. By now, we're all getting a bit ticked. Especially Aiden.

"I'm sick of all this useless portal-hopping, trying to find our way home!" he complains.

"Look, we're all pretty frustrated right now," I say. "But we all also need to keep sane."

"We're just going through the same tedious circle," he says. "Go through a portal, try not to die, and leave."

"Wash, rinse, repeat?" Ivor asks. "Yes. It would be nice if whoever made these left some sort of signs, guideposts."

"Exactly," I say. "There's no map, so there's going to be some trial and error."

"And error and error and error and error and error," Aiden says. He starts walking away from us.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Maybe there's no guideposts, but someone has to know how to navigate this place." He walks to a portal framed with redstone. "Okay, this one's redstone. Redstone means smart people. Smart people could help us get home."

"Aiden, trust me," I say. "We'll find the way."

"Either that or die trying, right?"

"So, what, are you just going to go through that portal and that's that?" Jesse asks.

"So what if I am?" Aiden says. "Maybe I'll make my own decisions instead of (Y/N) calling the shots every time."

I try not to seem hurt, even though I terribly am.

"Okay, okay, maybe we should all just cool down and apologize, yeah?" Faith says, noticing my pain.

"Yeah, I am sorry," I say. "I've kind of just have been going without consulting any of you. I'm a leader, not a boss. I guess I really should've gotten y'all's input."

"I'm sorry, too, (Y/N)," Aiden says. "I shouldn't have flipped out on you."

"See? It's okay," Lukas says. "Friends being friendly. Everybody's being cool." {Lol I love this line.}

"You know what?" I say. "Let's go through this portal. Aiden's call."

"Thanks, (N/N)," Aiden says smilingly.

Into the portal; it's time to go. I hate to leave; I have to, though.



We land in the middle of a mesa biome.

"Pretty," I say. "Desolate."

"Maybe there's some kind of city behind that mountain? Over that hill?" Aiden suggests.

"Hey, it's a rare biome," Lukas says. "That's pretty cool." He takes out his book and writes something down.

"I've been meaning to ask—what is that?" Jesse asks Lukas.

"Oh, it's a . . . y'know, just a book," he says. "I picked it up at the White Pumpkin's place. It's all about these different biomes and stuff."

"Good idea, Lukas," I say. "Hey, you okay, Aiden?"

"So much for my hunch about the redstone portal, huh?" he says. "I just really thought it meant something."

"Don't beat yourself up," I say. "It's fine."

"Yeah, no one's on fire; there's no squids . . . ," Faith says.

"No squids on fire," Ivor adds. {Ivor deals the best lines in the whole game.}

Old Stories Told New Ways II: An Aiden X Reader Fanfic (MCSM)Where stories live. Discover now