💕Part Twelve💕

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(Y/N)'s POV
In said secret passageway, I'm met with a metal door. And next to said metal door is three frames, each containing a different item—an axe, an arrow, and sand. Oh, duh. Trey killed by arrows, Lewis killed by sand, and Trinity killed by an axe. I move the items in this order and with each correctly placed, a lock unhinges, until the doors swing open.

"Sweet! You got it open!" Beezie says, following us in along with the others.

"Yeah, uh, how about Faith and I'll go and check it out? Lukas, Jesse, you stay here with the rest?" I say.

"Sounds good to me," Lukas says.

"Nooo, I totally want to follow you into your boyfriend's creepy secret passageway," Mooncake says sarcastically.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask, a pure moue spreading across my face. "You seriously still think Aiden did it?"

"You haven't proven he didn't yet," Mooncake counters.

"Technically true," Beezie chimes in.

"You know what? We're going to prove his innocence, and so help me I don't care if I die trying," I say, tears brimming my eyes.

"Sure! We'll see you back here at quarter-to-never!" Beezie says, turning away and leading her "posse" away from the passage. {I've never realized how sassy Stampy is until I've been writing this.}

Fish rubs against my legs.

"I don't know, Fish," I say. "It might be too dangerous for you."

But he doesn't leave me.

"Stay here with Lukas and Jesse, okay?" I say.

But he still doesn't move.

"Fine, you can come," I say. "Let's go."

"Yeah. Sorry for not having your back, back there," Faith says.

"It's fine. . . . Let's just get this over with."

Further down in the passage is a deep hole, so deep I can't make out the bottom.

"Gosh, that's deep," Faith says.

"Think it leads to the 'lair' or other?" I ask.

"That's a passageway to a villain's lair, if I've ever seen one," she says.

"But how to get down there is the question," I say.

"For all we know, this person can fly."

"Unlikely . . . Hey, you still have those wooden blocks?" I ask.

"Yeah, a lot of them."

"Sick," I say, "we can build down."

And so we do.


Five hours later, here we are.

Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration.

"Think we'll actually find the White Pumpkin down here?" Faith asks as we start prowling through the tunnel.

"I hope so," I say. "And this time we're going to find out who it is."

As we venture further down, the sound of groaning gets clearer and clearer.

"Hey, do you here . . . ?"

"Lots and lots of zombies?" Faith finishes. "Yeah."

"Get behind me, Fish," I say. We cautiously creep through the tunnel. We come to a wall of iron bars, and bang! A zombie surprises the both of us when it hits against the bars. At least they aren't roaming free.

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