The Fortunate Ones

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{Background: it all started a year ago, a disease broke out across the nation. It's what you would call a zombie apocalypse. For a year now I've hopped groups looking for somewhere to stay permanently. It's a year and a half into the apocalypse and I'm with a group in a town. }

I woke early in the morning to a shriek. I bolted up out of bed and looked right out the window, it was still dark outside. As my eyes got used to the lack of light, I saw walkers, everywhere. {Walkers are what I call Zombies} They had breeched the weak fence in the alley next to our development. I freaked, knowing there was only one way out that if even remotely survive, they were every where. But sadly, I felt no desire to help anyone in my little town, because I had never liked or trusted anyone there. They were all suspicious...

Anyway, I had only one way out... And there were only three outcomes. The fall would kill me, the walkers would kill me, or I'd survive both and die of something else when I got out. So basically I screwed all odds and decided to jump.

I grabbed my duffel with the eight guns, (that I'd I smuggled from a guy in the town I absolutely despised) put my knife in my back pocket, my machete in my belt, and prepared to jump. With all my survival equipment in hand, I opened my window ever so slightly (so as to not distract the walkers) and slid onto the edge of the sill. Preparing to jump and fall two stories, I breathed out heavily. But then I snapped back to life telling myself "You're going to get yourself killed if you don't hurry the hell up!" So with that, I scooted myself out the window and fell to the ground. Stupidly, I landed on my feet, which was probably the worst thing I could've done. I heard a menacing pop in my knee. "OWW!" I screamed. I writhed in pain and rolled around onto my stomach, realizing that if I didn't leave soon, I was walker chow.

I got up and immediately as I put weight on my right foot, I crumpled onto the ground. Something was wrong, but I had no time to figure it out- I had to move. Finally, I sucked it up and started swiftly limping. Luckily, since I knew this dim wit group would fall sometime, I'd had an escape plan the entire time. I had mapped it out and memorized it in 2 days. I was to go to a lot full of town houses, bordering against a shopping center. Sadly, it was ten minutes away, ten minutes of wincing and pain, but I had to suck it up if I wanted to live any longer (which by now I was seriously debating) so I went for it.

But, I was walking for only a couple minutes when I turned a corner and ran smack into a guy, a living, breathing, hot guy.

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