Chapter 11: The Secrets are Out

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"Katie!" Adam said, interrupting my flashback, "Where'd you go?"

"Oh sorry. I zoned out for a little bit," I apologized.

"It's okay," he said, "I'm gonna go get some cans and bring them up here, would you come help me?"

"Oh sure," I said, getting up, I flinched in pain.

"Take it easy, if the pain's that bad, you don't have to," he told me considerately.

"No, I'm... Good," I said, trying not to use FINE again.

We headed down to the cafe with a couple of bags to put the cans in. We got down and went in. It was quiet for a couple minutes, until Adam spoke up.

"I'm going to give you another chance," he said.

"Another cha-,"

"That story you told was a story. I could see pain in your eyes, but there was no pain in that story. Come on, give it up. What's your real story?" He asked me blatantly.

"Damn it," I sighed, "I didn't want to have to do this."

"It's okay, you can tell me," Adam said.

"Ok then..." I muttered, "here it goes." Adam watched me as I got up to pace around the room.

"It's true I have only been in one camp, I had been alone until weeks ago. I was with that camp for four days, and I left, and that's when Cameron and Jack found me."

"So what made you leave?" He asked me.

"The camp was extremely cruel. They had four capital punishments, an I received all of them. I was flogged, whipped, cut..." I told him, trailing off.

"That's only three... Weren't there four?" Adam asked carefully.

"Branded. That's the fourth." I said quietly.

"BRANDED?" Adam said angrily, "you say you're FINE, but obviously you aren't. You are really strong, Katie," he told me.

"Thanks. I'm not that kind of person to keep it in and blow up, I just keep it in," I replied.

"You don't have to you know, you don't have to keep it all in. I know how hard it is," Adam said.

"YOU know how hard it is?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I do," he said.

"What's your story then?" I questioned.

"No, no. I'm not telling you."

"What's the harm? I told you," I said, sitting next to him.

"Fine." He said, I laughed out loud.

"FINE," I said laughing. He laughed as well, and then went on.

"My life was bad before all this. I'm actually really glad this happened. Nothing really bad has happened to me, after all this apocalypse crap. I found these guys in a Safeway, and we joined together. I don't know why but they all voted me leader. So it's been fine."

"I'm sorry about your bad life before that though... " I told him.

"It's okay, I got over it all," he replied.

Just then, we heard screaming coming from upstairs. Adam and I glanced at each other and bolted up the stairs. We got to the top and saw walkers, EVERY WHERE.

I only had my gun and knife, so I took the knife out and started stabbing the heads. When there was a clearing, I ran through it, into the office, And into my room- grabbing my guns. I saw Cameron and Jack and yelled for them to come with me. We ran back out into the hallway and met back up with Adam.

"Where are the others?" He yelled over the noise.

"I don't know man but we really have to go! Come on!" Jack yelled. We followed his directions and burst out the doors. I looked around- woods, that's the one place I knew how to survive in.

"Cut to the woods!" I screamed, pointing. We ran for the woods. We ran and ran until we got were completely out of energy. (We had ran for about maybe 7 minutes) we stopped at a small clearing.

"Ok," Cameron gasped, "were okay, let's rest." We all gratefully listened and settled down. Breathing heavily, I threw the duffle off my shoulder and collapsed. My ribs hurt immensely and I could barely breath. I laid on the ground, sucking in and blowing out air aggressively. I felt my throat close for a second, and then coughed. Blood splattered on the leaves. I sat up against a log grasping my stomach.

"Oh my god are you ok?" Cameron asked.

"I'm," I gasped. "I'm fine."

"No, you aren't! Coughing up blood isn't FINE!"

"Relax Cameron! I'm okay, the running just took a toll on my... You know, bruising."

"Ok well," Jack said, "were stopping here." I sighed in relief.

"I gotta rest. I can't..." I said, and lost all my energy, and fell asleep.

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