Chapter 20: You Can Never Know Too Much

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"What in the HELL were you thinking?" He asked me, not even saying hi.

"What do you mean? This was the guy that shot Adam. I wanted him to pay," I told him.

"I understand that. But why would you go out alone? And without telling us?! Come on, that's low even for you," he said.

"Don't 'come on' me! You know they wouldn't have let me!" I said.

"But Katie we would've! Me and Jack, we would've gone with you! Or at least kept your secret! The whole camp went berserk after you didn't show up for breakfast!" He said. This felt like and argument, but I didn't hate it like usual.

"Oh really? And why aren't they here with you, helping you look for me? Huh? 'Cause that definitely shows how much they care." I said, sounding incredibly insecure. In that moment, I fell to the ground. My legs lost all feeling and my entire body went numb. I flopped onto the ground like a fish.

Cameron came running up to me. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked me. I didn't know what was wrong actually. I felt sick all of a sudden. Then I got the feeling in my legs back, and they throbbed erratically. Those thorns had cut me so badly.

Cameron put his hand up to my head, "your burning, when was the last time you had water?"

"I don't know, maybe yesterday morning," I said, "there's water in my backpack."

He took my back pack off and shuffled through it, finding the water and handing it to me. I drank it contently and sighed. After a little bit I felt much better and we got up.

"Better?" He asked me.

"Yes, thank you. So... How the hell did you find me?"

"Well I knew you were going to do something about it. So I watched you all day yesterday. I saw you outside walking last night, and I knew it wasn't just a hike. You aren't that kind of person."

"You don't know me," I said sharply.

"Because you won't let me in. You don't let anyone in. And believe me I know, doing that is harder than not."

"Your just saying that," I said back smiling.

"I used to push people away, then I found Adam again... He didn't really let me after that."

"That's sad, but how bout we stop the mushy stuff and go home."

"Good choice," he said to me, "but listen... I gotta tell you something..."

"Ya go on," I said.

He looked down at his shoes, "actually, never mind. I'll wait until we get back."

"No you can tell me now, I don't care," I said eagerly.

"No I'll save it, it's okay," he said, turning away.

"Cameron, spill it," I said impatiently.

"Beth was taking care of Adam, because he woke up last night, and he was hitting on her. I asked him afterwards what he was doing and he said he was bored of you. I'm sorry,"

He kept walking, thinking I was too, but I'd stopped. He looked back after a couple of seconds to see me standing there, looking at my feet.

"Hey," he said putting his gun away, "it's okay, guys do that kind of shit. We suck."

I stood quietly, listening to him try to make it better. It wasn't working. I took my knife out and fiddled with it. I heard a walker mumbling behind me. It was walking fast coming to me, and I took my knife and flicked it right into his eye. It dropped dead, and I went over and took out my knife, cleaning it off on my shirt.

I turned around and Cameron was standing there watching me intently. He had this... Smirk on his face, that is never seen before.

He saw me glaring at him, and he stopped and turned around. I flopped onto the ground, still processing information.

I got up, "Cameron," I said.

"Yes?" He said, turned around.

"Look at me," I said. He turned around, his cheeks were red.

"What's wrong. Why did you turn around?" I asked him. He turned again. I got up and walked up to him. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

"I know Adam never did, but I liked you. I liked you a lot. From the time Jack and I found you that night, to right now, I've liked you. But I'm just another person to you, so I just kept it in," he said.

"Cameron oh my God..." I trailed off.

"I'm sorry, now it's just awkward... I'm sorry I-" right then and there, I kissed him. We locked lips for maybe ten seconds, and then he pulled away.

"Im sorry," I apologized. He turned away, brushing his hair back with his hand. He rubbed his palms on his jeans, and turned back to me, and smiled. His smile was adorable.

"Your smile is just amazing. Do you know that?" I asked him, smiling back.

"Well thank you. Yours isn't too shabby either," he told me.

"Let's go," I told him, "I'm hungry."

"Okay, let's go," he said. He walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I wrapped mine around his waist, and we walked off.

I guess you could say we walked into the sunset.

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