Chapter 22: Taken

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I woke up and it was dark outside. I'd taken a long nap, and was very thankful for it. I wiped the tired from my eyes, and woke myself up. I got off the couch and went downstairs.

Rick was sitting on the couch talking to Daryl and Hershel. I stepped into the room, and they turned to see me.

"How did the run go?" I asked him, "where's Cameron?"

"Katie," he said softly, "come sit."

"No, what's going on?" I asked them, worry developing.

"Cameron was... Taken..." Rick mustered out.

"Taken?! What? How the hell does someone kidnap a boy that size?! How the mother f did that happen?!" I yelled angrily.

"He was behind us and someone grabbed him. He was dragged into a jacked up truck before we could do anything. Luckily we saw three of the guys who did it, and we know who they were, we just need a strategy." Daryl told me, trying to calm me down.

"Okay well I'll give you tonight, but if you don't have anything by tomorrow, I'm going to get him," I said.

"And we will too, but this guy who took him, he's... Well, evil," Rick said, "there no telling whether Cameron will even be alive when we get there."

I threw up in my mouth a little, why me? Why is it me that gets attached to people, and then they just conveniently DIE or something along those lines. I nodded and went upstairs.

Rick called to me as I got to the top, "just promise me Katie, that you won't do anything stupid," he pleaded.

"No guarantee Rick, but don't worry, this guy sounds bad enough that I would need you all- and after all... I have no idea where he took him, and apparently, you do," I told him.

"Okay, get some sleep, because we leave early tomorrow," Rick said. I nodded and walked to my room.

I feel like I nod too much...

I went over to my bag in my room and took out a rock is found on a river bed at the beginning of this. I'd discovered that it was perfect for sharpening my knife on. I took my knife out and began to sharpen it. I found it entertaining, thinking of more revenge-y things to do. This new world had made me an extremely violent fifteen year old.

Someone knocked on my door.

"What now?" I snapped. Daryl busted through the door.

"Boy, you just skip right to attitude don't you?" He snapped back.

"Yes, now what do u want?"

"You have the same scar as I do. Did you know Evan?" Daryl asked me. He wanted to talkkkk goody how fun. Ya, sure.

"Yes, and no."

"Did u get any of their 'capital punishments'?" He asked me, staring out the window.

"All four, Daryl. Why are we talking about this?"

"No one else can relate, and I figured you needed someone to talk to."

"HA! No are you kidding me? I'm the Queen of keeping my feelings bottled and letting them evaporate," I told him.

"Well, have fun with that, your gonna blow one day." He said leaving the room.

Blow? Sure, that'll happen. After that talk, I decided I was tired. So pretty soon, I drifted into sleep.

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